7) Changjin

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Two days had passed, and 3racha were too busy with schedules to come to Taste, so Felix was okay not having to see Chan. It physically hurt his chest to do so, though.

Chan was having his own relapses. He couldn't sleep again, barely ate and just work work work. His past came back the day Felix left the club like that. Before that, Chan was okay.

The ginger was getting migraines again, and he couldn't work properly, but he had no choice. The screams of his past were ringing in his ear like his head was his own personal prison. Maybe it was. What happened was his fault anyway.

There was a sudden knock on his studio door, and Changbin and Jisung walked in, sitting on the black sofa. Chan had been working nonstop for hours.

"How are you?" Jisung asked, and Chan shrugged.

"As normal as I can be." Chan said, removing his headphones.

"I thought it stopped. You were okay." Changbin said. 

"I was. I was okay for about 2 weeks, but after the party and Felix leaving, it all came back." Chan explained.

"Any idea why?" Jisung asked, hoping Chan grew a brain. Unlikely, but one can hope.

"No, I haven't had a chance to visit him either." Chan said, and Jisung was about to hyperventilate.

"One more word, and I'm gonna throw hands, Bin." Jisung mumbled when Chan turned around thinking Chan didn't hear, but he definitely did.

"Ok, this is bullshit. Is anyone gonna tell me what I did?" Chan snapped, making the other 2 flinch.

"We can't. It's something you've gotta figure out yourself. Seriously, Chan, you're amazing at so many things, music, producing, and even sports, and I don't even know what else. This is also something you have to figure out. Soon, too." Changbin explained. He was trying to be nice, but Jisung didn't agree. Good cop bad cop apparently.

"Can you at least give me a hint, I don't know what I'm doing wrong?" Chan asked, and Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Felix doesn't wanna be your brother." Jisung said and got up and left without another word.

Changbin sighed and followed, Jisung was right, though. If Chan couldn't figure it out now, he was a lost cause.

Chan thought long and hard and came to one conclusion. But, he didn't want that conclusion. Felix was too good for him, for that and everything that came along with it. I mean, what else could it mean.

There was no legitimate reason Felix wouldn't want to be his brother if he wanted to be more. It was the one that made the most sense, but also the one that sounded the most insane.

Felix and him couldn't happen. WAIT! What if that wasn't even the case, and Chan was just overthinking. Yeah, that's probably it.

Chan's head was hurting even more now, so he left this argument with himself for later.

"This is him." Hyunjin said as he introduced his little cousin to Felix with a smile.

"Oh my god, you're adorable. Can I adopt you?" Felix said fanboying over the poor kid.

"Uhhh..." The younger university boy had no words.

"Dont worry, he's not always like this." Hyunjin whispered to him.

"This is Yang Jeongin." Hyunjin said, and Jeongin put his hands forward, and Felix shook his head.

After about an hour, everything was set, and Felix now had a new bartender. He was actually quite skilled like he had done this before.

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