Chapter 8. Anya.

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I woke up around 10 in the morning. The sun was shining brightly into my bedroom because I had forgotten to close the blinds the night before. My head and jaw ached. I lay there for another five minutes, staring at the ceiling, but then decided it was time to face the new day.

I went to the bathroom and gasped when I saw my reflection in the mirror. Bruises had appeared on my face – five fingerprints from Mendez's disgusting hand, four on my left cheek, and one imprint from his thumb on the right. My stomach area was also sore. I slowly lifted my t-shirt, already knowing what I would see. There was a medium-sized bruise on the left side. It was strange; I hadn't even realized he had grabbed me that hard to leave bruises. How was I going to go to work with my face looking like this? I didn't want to call Caleb and tell him I wouldn't be coming in because my entire face was covered in bruises. I knew he would come over and act like an overprotective mother hen. Hopefully, my $10 foundation would do the trick.

There was still plenty of food left from our gathering last night, so I didn't bother making breakfast. You know, sushi for breakfast is fantastic.

I took a bath, adding lavender bath salts and aromatic oil. I lit some candles and played soothing music. I lay there for a while, not thinking about anything. After the bath, I decided to test my foundation in advance, and it was a good thing I did because it barely concealed my bruises. I had time to make it to the mall and get a more expensive and effective one. I glanced outside, and the black Mercedes was gone. A shiver ran down my spine. Anya, did you really think you'd be under 24/7 protection? Sometimes, I am amazed at my own naivety. This is completely unlike me.

I put on black leggings and a long white shirt, as usual, pulled my hair into a high ponytail. When I stepped outside, the hot air hit my face. I should have worn shorts. By the time I reached the mall, I was drenched. It was so hot, not even a hint of a breeze. Entering the building, I thanked the heavens for the invention of air conditioning. On the first floor of the mall, the store I needed was located. Endless shelves of perfumes, lipsticks, and mascaras stretched out before me. I hated shopping and wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. My eyes caught a stand with foundation products. I confidently made my way there after critically surveying the number of options. I realized I couldn't handle this without a consultant's help. I began looking around for one. At some point, I felt like someone was watching me, but, of course, I was in a store. I brushed off the uncomfortable feeling and continued searching for a consultant. Finally, a pleasant brunette woman noticed me. She came over with a polite smile and asked,

"Hello, my name is Barbara. How may I assist you today?" Barbara's eyes lit up with interest.

"Hello, Barbara. Your help is absolutely necessary for me. You see, I was on the set of a movie yesterday," I quickly explained, "just a cameo. So, my scene partner got a bit too into the role and ended up squeezing my face way too hard. My skin is delicate, and I woke up with these," I pointed to the marks on my face. "I have another audition today for a leading role, and I can't miss it. But I can't show up like this either. Can you help me find something to cover up this mishap?" I looked at her with a pleading expression, feeling like I had gotten into character just like my fictional partner had.

"You're an actress! That's so interesting!" Innocent Barbara bought into my story, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "So, what can I recommend for you?" She pondered for a moment. "I know! This Lancome concealer works wonders. Makeup artists often pick it up; they say it conceals flaws really well, including bruises," she handed me a small tube. I took it, turned it in my hand, and checked the price. Fifty bucks! For a tube the size of my index finger? Jesus Christ, I don't spend this much on lighting! Well, there was no other option; I had to take it. I'll ask Dovlatov for reimbursement for this.

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