Chapter 11. Alex.

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"Hello, Alex. I heard you were looking for me?" Mockery tinged the bastard's voice.

I had been eagerly anticipating our private evening. I envisioned every detail, carefully crafting each word I would say to Anya. I had prepared everything needed for a flawless dinner. But this scum, Mendez, had decided to ruin it all. I barely contained my anger. I didn't want to scare Anya even more, as she was already afraid of me. However, the fact that he had contacted me himself was to my advantage. I wouldn't have to turn the whole city upside down because of him and draw unnecessary attention.

"Mendez," I growled into the phone, gripping it tightly.

"I guess you weren't expecting my call. Am I disturbing you?" His voice was dripping with sarcasm, infuriating me.

"Hector, I think it's pointless to talk over the phone. We need to meet in person to discuss everything," I said, glancing across the table at my sweet girl. Her face turned pale, and fear settled deep in her eyes. I would kill this scumbag, shoot him in the head with my own hands, for deadly fear on her beautiful face.

"As for the meeting, you're right. Fernando wants to meet and discuss some aspects of our collaboration. He's flying into Los Angeles in a week," he said. Did he really think I was a fool? I had already told them that I wouldn't cooperate with them.

"I believe I made it clear about our collaboration, Hector. It's off the table. We have other issues to settle," my voice was becoming more like a growl. In my mind, I saw an image of Anna's tearful eyes, and I imagined Mendez grabbing her with his filthy hands, touching her attractive body. I clenched the edge of the table with my hand.

"Fernando wants to discuss certain matters related to our old, still-standing agreements, which no one has canceled yet. As for our, as you put it, 'other' issues, I admit I got carried away. I don't know, it's like I lost my mind; I couldn't control myself. You know I've had moments like that before. I fully admit my mistake and am ready to apologize to your employee in person," his words hit me like a sledgehammer. Did he really think I would let him off the hook?

"Hector, you won't get anywhere near my club or any of my people. Otherwise, the outcome will be quite tragic for you," I spoke calmly and professionally. He shouldn't see my true feelings toward Anya. No one should see them, as it would put her in great danger. "The Ingrid incident is not forgotten either."

"Then I'll send flowers to your beautiful waitresses at the club address," he chuckled. The bastard had completely lost his fear. "In any case, I'll call you in a week when Fernando is here to arrange a meeting. I assume we've resolved the issue with your employees?" He fell silent, awaiting my response.

"Nothing is resolved, Hector, and you know it," I hung up without waiting for his reply and tossed the phone aside. It crashed loudly on the table and skidded across its surface.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed how Anna flinched at the sound. I turned to her and saw how tightly she clung to her chair, looking so frightened and defenseless. I wanted to envelop her in my arms and assure her that I would never let anyone harm her. But I couldn't bring myself to move a muscle. I just silently watched her, and she stared at the floor, afraid even to breathe. She thought I was a monster surrounded by other monsters just like Mendez. But I would try to prove to her that I was not what she imagined me to be.

"What... what did he want?" Her voice trembled.

"Anna, he won't come near you again. He now knows that one wrong move will cost him his life." It was the truth; Mendez would no longer dare to do anything. The real question was, why did he do this in the first place? Did he think I would turn a blind eye to it because they were just ordinary waitresses? This scoundrel didn't know me at all. I would always protect my subordinates and everyone around me.

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