Chapter 25. Anya.

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Our car pulled up to the massive white, square, multi-story building of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I tilted my head up to get a better look at the structure. It reminded me of Soviet-era buildings. Many windows were lit, and the parking lot was filled with identical black jeeps and sedans with tinted windows. I asked Max not to approach the entrance but to stop further away. I didn't want Agent Davis to know that I was brought here by Dovlatov's bodyguard. Max stopped a block away from the entrance and said he would wait for me on the opposite side of the road, across from the office. I got out of the car and briskly walked in the direction I needed. While walking, I pondered what awaited me. My heart started beating faster, palms were sweaty, and shivers ran down my spine.

I had no doubt that Davis would inquire extensively about my relationship with Alex and Caleb. I was sure he knew that Alex and I were not just a boss and employee, and that Alex was trying to protect me from this case. So, he would use me as a leverage. But for now, these were just my assumptions. As I approached the FBI office, I noticed more people in black suits and FBI-labeled tactical gear. I chuckled to myself; scenes from "The Silence of the Lambs" and other thrillers flashed in my mind. Stern, you could never have imagined finding yourself here.

I stood in front of the glass doors with announcements that everyone entering became a subject of observation. Behind the doors, I could see the security desk with a metal detector, and a bit farther, the receptionist's desk. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, pushed the door open, took a step, telling myself there was no turning back, and ordered myself to calm down. I approached the security desk, and he asked me to place my bag in a tray on the X-ray belt, similar to those at airports. While they were scanning my bag, I passed through the metal detector frame, and one of the guards searched me. Then, I proceeded to the receptionist's desk and stated my name.

"Good evening, my name is Anna Stern. I'm here for Special Agent Davis to give testimony," I smiled politely, nervously gripping the handles of my bag. The young man in a strict black suit also smiled politely.

"Just a moment, Miss Stern. I will check," his fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, and his eyes darted across the screen. He nodded to himself, and I heard something being printed. "Miss Stern, please take this pass. Kindly wear it on the right side of your chest," he handed me a laminated card with my name, date, and time. I followed his instructions and looked at him, waiting for further directions. "Next, you need to go to the elevator and go to the 18th floor. When you exit the elevator, turn left; you need office No. 1005," he finished speaking and looked at me.

"Thank you very much for your help," I nodded to him and headed for the elevator.

The lobby was spacious, with a white marble floor and light gray painted walls, designed to soothe, apparently. The elevator arrived quickly; I entered the cabin, which had a mirror. I pressed the button for the 18th floor, turned toward the mirror, and saw my frightened eyes, pale face, and trembling lips in the reflection. A pitiful sight. I took out my makeup bag, applied red lipstick on my lips, and used it to add a bit of blush to my cheeks, rubbing it in for a touch of color. The elevator made a slight ding, stopping on the 18th floor. I got out and immediately turned left, striding down the long corridor, turning my head side to side in search of the office number I needed. After a minute, I saw the door I was looking for. The number was on the door, and a silver sign with a name hung next to it:

"Special Agent Mark Anthony Davis.

Organized Crime Enforcement Division."

I stood frozen in front of the door, hesitating to knock. No matter how much I tried to delay the moment of our meeting, I understood that I couldn't escape it. Summoning my courage, I raised my hand and knocked. A muffled voice of Davis came from behind the door:

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