Chapter 13. Caleb.

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"It's me. I got some information." the guy's voice was shaking, and he was whispering. "Spit it out." I went quiet in suspense. "They're gonna turn you over to the FBI." He kept his voice even quieter, and I had to strain to make out a word. "I was in a meeting with one of their agents yesterday. They got Mendez by the balls, caught him at the border. I understand he made a deal in exchange for his freedom. The feds are more interested in taking you and keeping the Mexicans on a short leash. So be on your guard. If they offer you a meeting, go empty-handed. Are we square?"  he's gone silent, waiting for an answer. "In case you haven't realized, you and I are never even. Keep us in the loop." I hang up. Sons of a bitches! Shit! I slammed my fist into the surface of the desk so hard that the keyboard flew up. I was sitting in Alex's office at the club, going through one of our company's tax returns. The information I just got nailed me to the chair. So that's why the feds have been so active lately. They wanted to nail the Mexicans, but it didn't work. Apparently they only have something on Mendez, and he offered a deal in exchange for his skin. Covering the Russians is like winning a million dollars in the lottery for the FBI. I had to tell Alex right away. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed a number, no one answered. I called the house number, the maid said Alex was at the pool, suggested I take the phone there, but I decided I'd come and tell him myself. This wasn't a phone call after all. I got up and headed for the exit. My mood was worse than ever. I got to Alex's house pretty quickly, opened the gate with my remote, and drove onto the property. The guard station waved to me. It was strange that Alex was home at this time of day, and even stranger that he'd decided to go for a swim in the pool. He usually left the house around 8:00 a.m. and came back around midnight. I immediately decided to head to the pool without even entering the house. When I got to the front of the pool, I saw Alex's head and shoulder sticking out of the water, and as I got closer, I realized he wasn't alone. And then it hit me. Anya's with him.They didn't notice me, of course, they were too busy. Alex pressed Anya against the side of the pool and put his arms around her. He was saying something to her, leaning in so close you'd think they were kissing. A storm of indignation rose inside me. Why would Alex want her? She's not even his type. He's playing around with a nice girl because he's sick of busty, soulless dolls? He should have gotten back together with Sam already! Why would he want her? For the first time in my life, I wanted to punch my best friend in the face. When I got close to them, I could barely contain my anger. The only thing that precipitated my anger was that Anya didn't seem thrilled with his persistent advances-I'd even call it harassment. I towered over them.

"Khm." I coughed as loudly as I could. They both flinched and turned their heads in my direction at the same time. Anya's face was flushed, and Alex's was annoyed. My expression was out of my control for a moment, but I quickly pulled myself together. "Sorry to interrupt you guys. Alex has something urgent to talk to you about."

"Speak up." Alex took a step away from Anya, and she took advantage of the moment and climbed up on the board, hurrying to get away from Alex and me.

"I'll leave you two alone." she whispered quickly and headed for the chaise lounge, where her things seemed to be.

"I remind you that the lawyer will be here at three o'clock, meet me in the living room of the big house, don't be late." said Alex to her, and she just nodded back. I waited for her to get away from us for a while, and then I said:

"News from our new agent. The Mexicans are trying to set us up. Working with the FBI."

"FUCK!" Alex's voice broke into a scream.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Anya almost running away from the pool area. The poor girl was caught in the middle of a mafia conflict. I was surprised that she was still taking it all quite adequately. I looked over at Alex, who was already heading for the side of the pool. As he climbed out, he walked past me to the lounger where the towel lay.

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