Kylin 32

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Kylin tightened his grip on the reins, causing Vicious to back up a few steps in an irritable manner.

Glae placed his hands on his sides. "I was told this was a matter of urgency," he said impatiently.

Did Glae not recognize him? This was certainly an abnormal reaction for Glae upon seeing Kylin.

Staring into his brother's annoyed expression, it dawned on him. He had his mask up, his hood up, on horse that looked nothing like Wylett, and dim light. Glae didn't have a chance to recognize.

Bypassing a pause to celebrate this realization, Kylin dropped his voice at what he hoped was an unrecognizable octave and said, "We need you to help us evacuate the village. We have strong reason to believe ankhegs are headed in this direction, and until we can be sure that they're taken care of, it is not safe for civilians to be here."

Glae narrowed his eyes.

"We don't have much time," Kylin said urgently. "They could only be seconds behind us."

"I want to see your pin," Glae said, stretching out his hand.

Kylin pulled Vicious's head to the side with one hand. With the other, he grabbed the Ranger's pin on his cloak and pulled it off. He tossed it to Glae, who caught it and took a couple steps closer to a light source. His brother carefully inspected the pin shaped like a bird in flight, ensuring that it was indeed an authentic Ranger's pin. When he was satisfied, he tossed the pin back at Kylin.

"Very well," he said. "We will get everyone moved out. But if this in any untruthful, your captain can be assured that I will be seeing him."

There was no time to exchange anything else. When Glae made his statement, he turned and headed back to his tent, calling out to the soldiers and barking commands. When Kylin had the pin in hand, he immediately put it back in place and steered Vicious back to the main part of town.

Families were already hurrying out of their houses, whatever they could scrounge in a few seconds' time packed on their horse and heading out of the village. Torches and lamps were being lit as curiosity of the unusual hustle and bustle of the late hour spread through the village. Here and there the shrill voice of a young child and the demands of parents asking why could be heard, mingled with the Rangers's voices telling people they needed to leave. Down the road a way, a Ranger and soldier were in a heated argument about the proceedings.

Kylin rode past the two, calling out to the Ranger, "No time to argue- just get people out of here!"

Trusting the Ranger would follow his order, Kylin veered down an alleyway to the left, weaving in and around the buildings to reach the outskirts. When he was between the village and the Veil Forest, Kylin pulled Vicious to a stop. He listened intently, hoping to hear anything above the racket in the village that would tell the ankhegs were arriving. A bell being rung frantically cut above the noise, and the village became even more alive.

It was more felt than heard. Vicious's head picked up, facing a direction into the village, her ears pricked. Kylin could feel her muscles between his calves tighten. She gave one short huff.

If Vicious felt it, there was no denying it.

He only had to lightly tap her sides and she was off. He leaned forward over her neck, keeping one hand on the reins while reaching back to grab a sword with the other.

They arrived just as an ankheg burst through the ground between two houses. It landed on the ground with its back to Kylin and Vicious. It scuttled forward and turned to the side. It reared its head back as a scream pierced the air from the direction it was looking.

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