Kylin 15

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Harn never returned from consulting Xane about the barrier.

When Kylin and Favel came back from the nymph clan, Marta informed them that she had not seen or heard from Harn. It didn't concern them all that much; the three of them figured that Harn would take a couple of days, especially if Xane was having issues with the erosion. But after a week passed and there was still no sign of him, it became hard to concentrate on dissecting the mystery set before them.

When Ivelios returned from his investigative trip to the sinkhole, Kylin and Marta went to meet with him to discuss the findings, or lack therof, they had.

Marta's report was brief and to the point: She found nothing in the flora journals that was remotely close to what they had.

Kylin told Ivelios of his and Favel's trip to the nymph clan, making sure to include what Symmetria and Asher had said about the deer. At this report, Ivelios raised his eyebrows.

"A deer attacked a nymph?" he repeated with a note of concern in his voice. He frowned, furrowing his brow. "And you said they didn't have an explanation for it?"

"Well, it seems unlikely that they would antagonize it," Kylin said. "But they didn't offer up any suggestions as to why it would happen. They just knew it happened, and it behaved oddly."

Ivelios bit his lip, considering this information. After a minute or two, he said, "I would investigate this a bit more, but if it was just the one deer, then that is something we're just going to have to put aside for the moment. The sinkhole and trees walking are a little more catastrophic than something that could have just been a fluke."

"There is one more thing," Marta said hesitantly. "Harn was supposed to have returned from the barrier by now, but he isn't. We haven't even received anything to let us know why he's taking longer."

Ivelios exhaled in frustration. "I would just love a moment of peace around here," he muttered. "When no one's hurt and everyone's accounted for." In a louder voice he said, "Alright, then the two of you should head out and try to find him. Stick to the normal path. If you can't find him on there, come back and let me know. Don't try searching for him by yourselves." He gave them a hard look. "And don't go alone. Either both of you -or the three of you if you take Favel- goes, or you don't go at all. I'm not going to send out Rangers one by one and have none of you return."

Kylin and Marta nodded before heading back to the library to tell Favel.

At first, Favel seemed favorable to the idea of going with them, but one glance at the journals still not put away made him think twice. "It would probably better if I stay back," he told them. "Try to find something more-" the tone in his voice said he was doubtful "-and if Harn comes back, I can tell him where you two went and that he should join me in research."

Marta gave him a critical look.

"If I'm going to suffer through this, he'll suffer with me a consequence of making us concerned," Favel said firmly.

"No one's forcing you to stay here and read through journals," Kylin pointed out.

"Yes, but he won't know that," Favel said. "And if someone isn't here to tell him to do it, then he'll never think to do it."

Marta and Kylin looked at each other and Kylin shrugged. Marta waved goodbye to Favel as they headed out.

Within the hour, they were on the path to the barrier. They traveled in silence while the Rangers' tree was still in sight. But once it had faded from view, Marta began a stream of conversation with her horse under her breath. Kylin tried to keep an ear out on the things ahead of him, but kept getting caught up in some of her discussion with her horse, such as when she said things like, "Well, if you really think about it, you got us into this mess," and "Nobody wants to hear your back talk right now."

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