Nerds and Mcphee

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Larry ran into the museum where Mcphee was waiting.

"Sorry I'm lade. *sneeze* my alarm didn'd go off" said Larry.

Mcphee could hear that Larry was sick.

"Well you could of called in sick" said Mcphee.

"No, I'm the only night guard" said Larry.

"And you have A cold clearly. So, go home" said Mcphee.

"I can'd go home. Who will taked my shifd" said Larry.

"I will, how hard can it be" said Mcphee.

"Pretty hard" said Larry.

"Look as much as I hate staying the night here I don't want you getting your germs all over the exhibit" said Mcphee.

"I won't get the" Larry started but felt a wave wash over him as the tablet brought the museum to life.

Larry was confused and no longer sick.

"Oh, wow, I think it's gone" said Larry.

Mcphee laughed at first but then Rexy turned to Larry saying that he wanted to play. Mcphee was terrified.

"Ya, that's why I wanted you to leave. The statues come to life at night" said Larry.

Mcphee watched as Rexy took one of his ribs off to give to Larry.

"One second Rexy" said Larry.

"Wha, what's it doing" asked Mcphee.

"Rexy wants to play fetch" said Larry.

Mcphee was even more shocked.

"You, you mean the dinosaur" asked Mcphee.

"Ya" said Larry.

Mcphee took a minute to think.

"And, everything, in this museum, is alive. Right now" asked Mcphee.

"Yes, that's why my job was so hard at first" said Larry.

"Do you need help with this Lawrence or do you got it" asked Teddy.

"I got it, oh, before I forget" said Larry as he grabbed a box of nerds from his pocket.

"I promised Jedediah and Octavious some Halloween candy. Can you go give this to them" asked Larry.

"Sure" said Teddy.

He started to leave with his horse.

"Now wait a minute, the exhibits have to stay clean" said Mcphee and him and Larry followed Teddy. The four made it to the hall of miniatures and found Jedediah and Octavious cuddling on the bench.

"Good evening you two. Larry got the candy you asked for" said Teddy as he put the box on the bench.

Mcphee was shocked to see the tiny statues alive.

"Great, let's get this sucker open" said Jedediah.

"Whose the new guy" asked Octavious.

"This is Mcphee. The owner of the museum" said Larry.

Mcphee walked closer to the bench.

"How, I don't understand" said Mcphee.

"Oh, you must be a new night guard. I'm Octavious and this is my boyfriend Jedediah" said Octavious.

"I'm not a new nig, wait you're gay? Both of you" asked Mcphee.

"Is there a problem with that Mr new giant" asked Jedediah.

"No of course not. I'm just surprised considering your time period" said Mcphee.

Jedediah and Octavious looked at each other and then back at Mcphee.

"I mean, gay relationships were okay in Rome until those awful Christains came. Then, well, everything fell apart" said Octavious.

"Plus we are just mini figures of the actual people. I'm not the real Jedediah Smith. Just a copy" said Jedediah.

"Right" said Mcphee.

He turned to Larry.

"You, nightguard, do you still have a cold" asked Mcphee.

"No, I don't think so" said Larry.

"Good, then I'll let you get back to work and I'm going home. This is, I need a drink" said Mcphee.

He left and Jedediah and Octavious started to open the nerd box.

"Oh, do you need help" asked Larry.

"Ya, unfortunately" said Octavious.

Larry opened the box before placing back on the bench. Jedediah and Octavious both grabbed a nerd to eat. The rest of the night was normal but Larry's cold came back once the statues froze.

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