Chapter three

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Dear Diary,

Today was quite nice. I didn't need to participate in the activity today. There was a moment where Kinger almost abstracted though. We was told to match the shapes. They was all over the place. My problem with that is you also had to match the colour. I can't see red, it goes to a different shade of blue. Half of them was blue and half was red so Caine let me sit out today.

I hate being a rabbit, I can't see like the others do. The only plus is that I can run a hell of a lot faster than the others.

After an hour, Ragatha saw me and gave me a sliding puzzle to do. I thanked her and she went back to the task. I recognised the puzzle. It was from Tomadatchi Life. I loved that game. I was there for about an hour completing it. I went ti my room and hung it on the wall. I had glued the pieces down so try didn't fall.

I left my room after a nap and everyone was banning on Kingers door. I asked what happened and Pomni told me everything. He locked himself in his room after Caine left a broken queen chess piece.

I went back into my room with Pomni and sat her down. I was going to show her how I got all the keys. I can create them in my hands. It's weird and feels tingly. When I made it she stared at me in awe. I explained what happened and Pomni clapped. I was confused but maybe she couldn't find the right words. I grabbed the key and we left the to go unlock Kingers room.

I feel bad for going it now because he was in a terrible state. I ran next to him and so did Gangle. I hugged him whereas Gangle calmed him and wiped his tears. The others realised why he keeps staying quite. Queeni really was no longer here. Her 'cage' was gone and so was she. After that, everyone came to calm him.

After we calmed him, we all got something to eat, but Zooble and Gangle was not having any of what Caine did. They was gone for a long time arguing back and forth. I could hear it clearly every now and then. I ended up covering my ears and bending them down by my eyes.

Kinger was still a little shook so I sat down next to him today. We both knew we was stressed. We agreed we could vent to each other when everyone is asleep.

Caine had told us it was lights out in a vicious tone. Me and Kinger had rushed to my room. I think he was thinking the same as me, 'I don't want to get in his way'.

We sat together and I gave him a hug. I know it must be hard to loose someone so close to you, even a wife. We held each others hand. I was going to show the cuts on my legs but I didn't want to take my clothes off. Since it's a one-piece. We talked back and forward about our problems and at the end we both felt better.

At the end we said goodnight and Kinger went back to his room. It took me a while to sleep last night. Most the time I'm used to a hard floor, but the bed is unusually comfortable. A type of comfortable I don't like. I'll write again about my day tomorrow.
-Jax xx

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