Chapter 12

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This is gonna be a sad one.

Dear Diary,

As much as it is a few days after this happened. If half of the page is smuggled from my tears I wouldn't be surprised.. 

Today we lost Gangle... she lost it. My love lost it.. I didn't notice. Only if I noticed she was down I could've gone something. Caine said he would write the rest for me. In detail apparently... that part alone took me three hours to write..

Hi, it's me Caine! Jax is having a bit of a hard time now and is currently sitting with Solar and Kinger. I'll explain today since Jax is unable to.

It was breakfast time and Gangle wasn't there for the meeting and the introduction. Me and the others began to worry. Me personally, I do care about everyone. Normally Gangle is here and happy. Jax wanted to go on his own which I figured was a bad idea incase she had, which she did. Abstract.

Me and Kinger went with him. I felt like Kinger going wouldn't be the best. When he sees someone abstracted he gets so stressed because of Queenie. We knocked on her door but no one answered. The door opened on its own and we all walked in. The room was quite big. Compared to the other two with me anyway. I saw Jax quickly re-do their sheets.

The place was extremely clean. The room had no one in it. Jax began to leave but walked back and grabbed a bouquet of flowers and a chocolate bar for her. I wanted to tell him to leave them, but seeing him care for someone after such a long time.

We walked around and went outside. She wasn't out there either. Jax began to breath heavily and started to cry a bit. Kinger stayed next to him and rubbed his back as we walked. We got to the kitchen and I could tell she was in there.. Jax walked first and started to call for her shakily.

Jax walked forward and Gangle was there. Abstracted for the second and last time. Jax dropped the gifts and stared at her. He began asking her and himself why this happened. He fell to his knees and begged for either him to be dreaming or that it was a prank. Watching him breaking down like this hurt me and Kinger. I could see tears in the corner of Kingers eyes.

Jax... he was just like Kinger. He begged for me not to take her to the cellar, even though I had to. I needed to. Kinger held him tight. I had to explain to him why it's dangerous. Yes I let Kinger keep Queenie, I just can't trust Jax. I know he might read this back so I need to sort of be honest.

Gangle actually tried to attack me. Bubble ended up taking the hit. I had no clue he was even following me. I had to pop him quickly. Jax ran towards her and tried to hold a hand? That's what he told me he was going. I did drag him away and fixed his hands. The hand that was glitched still stayed glitched.

Ragatha and the others came. Zooble and Ragatha held Jax back while Pomni cared for Kinger. I put her into the cellar and joined in with the hugs. The worst part of this was changing Gangle and Jax's door to an 'X' and giving Jax his old room back.

How he was able to write the beginning of this, I don't know. He hasn't come out in a while but I'm happy he hasn't done anything wrong. I'm keeping my eyes on him. Kinger has let him in his pillow fort though. We can all hear his crys and weeps. I caught a glance of his arms and they're all cut. I'm going to check his room tomorrow morning.

~Caine and Jax. Xx

Gangle- ????-2024

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