Chapter 10

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Dear Diary,

Today was nice. No drama. No jokes nor pranks. The no pranks part meaning me not pulling pranks. We also got a new kid.

In the morning I woke up with Gangle rubbing her head on my chest. She ruffled the fur on my chestI'm and I began clicking. Her face was warm which I needed right now. The bed was also very warm. I held her close and waited for her to wake up, which I had no clue she was. She pulled my straps down and kissed me.

We kissed for a while until I began to run out of breath and I had to pull away. We got up and realised we missed breakfast. I was a bit upset because it was supposed to be pancakes. I found Kinger and talked with him for a bit. He let me in his pillow fort to draw with him. He's really sweet for someone who's seen a lot of peoples deaths.

We went to get lunch but I was hit by something heavy, forcing me to the floor. I looked around scared and couldn't get up. I heard a new voice. I looked behind me and there was a celestial person on me. I freaked out because her hand was on my ass. She got up and then I did. Caine came out of thin air and greeted them. They was happy to be here? I looked at her wrists and there was scratches.

They choose the name Solar. I looked at her and she was nervous. I took her to a private area to speak with her. I mainly asked why she was so happy to be here and why there was scratches on her wrists. Her answer was her old home life wasn't great and she wanted to escape the abuse.

I didn't lie to her about the abuse here. She got all panicked and got how Pomni got when she first got here. I did everything I knew to calm her down and got her some chocolate. I know most girls like chocolate when stressed. I gave her a hug.

I showed her around the tent and showed her her room. Then I showed her mine and Gangles room incase she needed someone to talk to. I also showed her to Kingers pillow fort. I told her that Kinger is a bit insane but sweet as sugar.

I explained the who abstracting part of this world and that we have certain times to do things. Like lights out, and dinner etc. when we finished Solar went to their room since it was down time. I like this part of the day. I can get really overwhelmed depending on what we are doing.

I sat down with Gangle and coloured and read a book. When it was dinner we went to the table and I sat next to Gangle and Solar. I made sure Solar had someone to talk to and so Gangle didn't think I was cheating.

After we finished, me and the two went outside to go swim in the lake. I actually got in better swimming stuff and we played some games then got out and dried. I went to have a shower while Gangle and Solar played in the carnival.

After we all got ready for bed, Solar went to their room and me and Gangle went to our room. We kissed each other goodnight and I held her in a spoon. She was little spoon Ofc. That's all for tonight. See you later.

Jax Angst (WIP tittle and book)Where stories live. Discover now