Chapter 5

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*insert tears on page*
Dear Diary,
Today was the worse day that could've happened. The morning was terrible, so was lunch. Dinner, was the worse.

In the morning I was In a corner. Not in my room though. Caine was next to me, he was sitting on top of me, breaking parts of my arms. How did I not wake up? I dunno. When I felt him punch my rib cage I yelled in agony as I felt each rib under his fist break. Everyone but Gangle came to my side and aided me as Caine zipped away. My chest was throbbing and I was dribbling a blackish liquid. Is that blood? No it can't be. Is what I initially thought. Turns out it was but Caine was forced
to heal me.

The activity was an in-house adventure. It wasn't nothing special nor boring. It kept us sane. Yet again Gangle wasn't there and it scared me. I went to my room for the downtime and I ate the rest of my candy. We went to Lunch and I started getting scared for Gangle. It's not normal she's on her own for the entire day. I didn't eat again. I don't like eating the same tasteless food.

Me and Kinger talked again and I finally grew courage to show him my cuts. I rolled up my trousers and showed him some. His 'face' changed, mostly his body language. He covered his 'mouth' with one hand while he ran the other on the few I did an hour ago. I flinched at the touch but he apologised. We had a talk about how I'm feeling. I don't feel much better but I guess it sort of helped. There was a bit of silence then we both said the same thing about Gangle not showing up today.

We both agreed to check on her, but the bell rang for dinner. I had no clue that took us some hours. I knocked on her door none the less. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I tired joking around and tired to look in the key hole. I grabbed my key and opened her door.

I came in and I saw drawings of the words 'Exit', 'Jax has the key' and 'He is the Key' all over the walls. I heard weird noises so my dumbass began to follow. I walked into the kitchen and she... abstracted.. I shook in fear and I couldn't move. It was like I was paralysed.. the 'monster grabbed me and threw me into the wall in where me and Kinger slept. I hit my head pretty hard and I could see parts of me glitching.

It hurt like hell. I tired to get out but the door locked. I dropped the key in the kitchen too. I had no choice but to break the door, with the strength I had left, to make a break for it and to save myself. I ran to the table, my breathing was out of control and my body was shaking. More than Kinger ever does. Zooble and Ragatha came to me and fixed my breathing so I could tell them.

After I told them everything, 'Gangle' broke the wall and grabbed Kinger. I knew I had to do something. I ran right into her and hugged her. Begging for her to realise her wrong. She dropped Kinger and Caine immediately fixed him and stood in front of everyone else. I could feel her pain and sadness. I told her everything I thought about her. I told her I loved her voice and the way she smiles. I even told her that I loved her. I couldn't hold on for any longer. My body felt like fire was being shot through my core.

I screamed as I was flung, yet again, into a wall. I passed out. That's all I can remember and I can't write much since I'm in a medical area. I've only woken up and it's the next day. I just heard Gangle cough and I want to help her. I'll write again tomorrow.

Btw there is no smut in this book and only light fluff. I've gotten three out in a day! Wooo

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