Chapter 11 pt 2

402 11 21

(This is a part two. Since the other part had 1000 words, I had to start a new one. Well I wanted to.)

I yelled shark to everyone and Solar ran out of the water. I held her tight as my fishing rod was beginning to bend. I had re-casted it and now the sharks caught on it. Thankfully I had an extra hook and strong. All I had to do was get the pole and cut the string. Which I thought would be easy. It wasn't and has left something permanent.

I went close to it even though Solar recommended me not to. I got there and shrugged. I pulled the pole as hard as I could but it didn't move. I pulled out my machete. I was still holding onto the pole however and the shark swam away, dragging me with it.

I could hear them running towards me as I was dragged under. I cut the line as quick as I could but that was a dumb idea. The shark, I think, turned around and started to head for me. I was splashing since I couldn't see anything. I felt my arm being bit and I screamed, all the air escaping my lungs. I kicked it in the nose and used my other arm to swing the machete into its eye.

I swam up and some of the others dragged me to land. So much water was in my lungs I was coughing every other second. My arm was bleeding a hell of a lot and someone grabbed a bandage. We had to have medical supplies or we wasn't allowed on the island. I remember my eyes being shut and that I was crying. My arm stung from the sea water and my eyes was burning up.

I was taken into the tent and cared for. I think someone called Caine to help. He brought a ton of disinfectant and paracetamol for pain relief. He left after staying with me for a bit. Kinger came in with some of the lobster I caught. He had cooked it. He also gave me a whole bottle of fresh water. I enjoyed both even though I could still feel the pain in my arm.

Tonight, Kinger and Gangle was going to sleep together and until my arm isn't as bad. I got a whole bed to myself. For the next week I was stuck in a tent bored to death. Luckily to group made puzzles and sudoku to do. Also some word searches and chess puzzles. Yes the chess puzzles was Kinger. Who else would it of been?

I forgot Caine told us we need water and food for these two weeks. I hadn't been drinking enough and I started to get weaker and needed more sleep. During the second week I passed out. We did eventually figure everything out, and that I was dying from dehydration. They got me some water and had me rest. It was two days till this hell was over.

We wasn't able to make a raft yet since we couldn't find big enough logs. I was feeling much better and my arm didn't hurt as much anymore. Caine did end up dropping by multiple times to re-do my bandages. I went our to go and get the logs and of course I found them. We made 4 rafts. Three medium and one big.

Solar fished and cooked for us all today. We all had a little party since this was our last night here! In the morning we was going to set out back to mainland. We took off the bandages to see how it healed. We all decided I should go to a hospital afterwards to get it checked. I could tell it's going to leave a scar, but why on my arm :(.

We all settled down for the night and slept. Knowing tomorrow was going to be the best.

In the morning I was the last one awake, which on my end was useful. All of the rafts was set and there was fish being cooked. Gangle gave me a cup of water and I chugged it. We are the fish and set off. The rafts was sinking because of all of our weight differences. We had to stay on the island for the rest of the day till 9 pm.

Caine came and congratulated us for surviving. I stared at him and vigorously blinked. I almost died twice. Either way he took us home and me to the hospital where I stayed for a few days. My arm had a few skin grafts and the scar was actually pretty cool. I went home and write this long two and a bit week summary.

When I finished this, what did I do? You guessed it. I went right to bed. Finally, something soft and comfy. I did have to hang up all the new keys I made when my arm was hurting. I think I found the one, I'm not sure. Either way. I'll write again when something interesting happens. Goodnight and see you later!


(I have written both of these in about 3 hours. I haven't a lot of spare time today. Both of these was car journeys tho. Most of the first part was the hour car ride to the destination then the end of it was on the way home. This bit was me on the way home, getting home with 2% (my phone lost 5% over half an hour.) then finally finishing it now with it on charge. Sorry I haven't been able to get much out bc of school, homework, extra circular, school production, homework, drama club ideas and more homework! I've been busy this week and can't wait to get more out for you guys. Don't expect much tomorrow since I am watching the Fnaf movie tomorrow with my friends, at my house and cosplaying. With that. I wish you all goodnight/day!)

Yet again. 1000 words ^^

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