Chapter 7

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Dear Diary,
When I woke up my hand was hurting more than yesterday. I held it in my other hand, not thinking anything of it. After inspecting it both of my hands hurt. I forgot that touching something glitchy, it will glitch you. I ran to Caine, as much as I want to snap his jaw in two, he's the only one who can fix it.

I got to him and he laughed at me. I've recently realised that he's been abusing me a hell of a lot. I got my other hand fixed, but my other hand wasn't healed. It just hurt more. I saw Gangle crying in the corner, her mask was broken again. I sat down next to her and asked who did it. She said it was Caine.

This was not on. He's laughed at me, changed mine and Kingers rooms and now hurt Gangle. Why is he out for us three! I walked around with her. I fixed her mask and gave it to her. We knocked on Kingers door and he was shaking again. I found out Caine was going on about how Queeni is gone. We hugged him and made him feel better. The point that Caine is using his grief to hurt him is so out of order.

We noticed it was only us three out. Turns out Caine had hurt everyone today. Ragatha had more centipedes in her room, Pomni had an 'exit door' that moved place anytime she got close to it. Zooble had some gloinks.

I was able to get rid of the door and the centipedes, Kinger and Gangle put Zooble back together and locked away the gloinks. Everyone was upset.

Caine is an abuser. We all went to breakfast and ate it. But I didn't eat it. I don't feel like eating. The last time I ate was when we had a roast dinner. I wonder if I have an eating disorder or something. I remember something about that in my 'past life'.

We finished the day off and slept


Sorry it was short I just need to get it finished

Jax Angst (WIP tittle and book)Where stories live. Discover now