Chapter 9

515 14 13

(This is set a while after Jax's birthday)

Dear diary,

I'm sorry I haven't written to you recently, I've been so busy. Caine had been putting me through hell. I've had to continuously get my hand checked. It got better, but recently it's gone down hill.

It's morning I woke up with the glitch creeping up my arm. I did need to tell someone about it quickly. I found Caine, not the greatest but he knows the most of how to stop it. He did teach the others how to do it, but not me! Instead of giving it to everyone else, give it to it's happening to. Breakfast was cold. Mainly because I took too long to get to the table.

Me and Gangle skipped the activity today and spent time together. I feel like I'm drifting away from her. I love her so much and I hope she trusts me. I would trust her with my life. I can't bear to see her abstract every again. I need to stay close so she doesn't do it again.

We went to the digital lake and swam together. We did a little fight. I didn't realise how much my clothes weigh when wet. I don't normally swim so I'm not as strong. I'm skinny too. I lost my breath and strength and began to drown. My glitched hand actually helped me get her attention to help me. By the time I began to almost fully drown, Ragatha jumped in and saved me.

When I got out I was shivering immensely. My clothes was soaked. Gangle was apologising to me since she didn't let me get in better clothes. My ears was drooped and I was told eyes was shaking. I was taken inside and given heated blankets and placed by a heater. As much as the hand did help, it took a while for it to start flapping. It was getting cold for me, but it was getting warm for Gangle. I don't know what's happening.

I went to my room after I warmed up and practiced chess. Yes, Kinger was able to get me to play with him. It was a hell of a long time ago. I'm not great at it. I can't think steps ahead. I just like playing it. Kinger came in and checked in on me and talked. He made sure i hadn't cut any more and that I was doing okay mentally. I told him about my worries of Gangle abstracting again. He reassured me that she would be okay.

He left a while after, but my hand started glitching more than usual. I thought nothing of it at first till i felt it getting more frequent and sharp. I went to the medical room to have Caine check it out. I wasn't very happy to see him there, but oh well. He looked at my hand and touched it, it hurt like hell so I pulled my hand back immediately.

Caine could tell it hurt me more than he thought. He told me to try and stay still and he took my hand again to inspect it. I was shaking a lot. My natural instincts were kicking in. I wanted to take my hand back, but Caine had locked it down! It didn't hurt as much because he let go, but I don't really want to be trapped, and it still hurt.

He began putting metal in my hand, well I think it was metal. I could feel my hand getting worser then better. He took the cuff off of my arm and told me to go get dinner. I could move my hand on my own now but it still was glitching and it hurts.

Well I ate dinner and no one noticed me moving my hand. Me and Gangle planned a date together tomorrow so I guess it's easier to dance with a hand I can actually move. We walked to our now shared room, and yes, Caine  put our rooms together. Like he did with Kinger and Queenie.

Me and Gangle had a little kissing moment and slept. The bed was comfortable and it was nice having someone to hold now. Someone to make feel safe at night. That's all from today. Goodnight diary.
(I'm in school rn and I've snuck in time to finish this so your welcome!)

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