It's my Promotion | Urie Kuki

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瓜江久生|Urie Kuki

Warning: Lemon/lime up ahead! Read at your own risk! Enjoy! (⌒▽⌒)


Music blasted from the purple haired male's headphones as he followed behind the small girl.

The two of you had spent the last hour and a half wandering around the clothing store. Little by little, Urie was beginning to loose his patience with you. All he wanted to do was go home and start working on the new assignment regarding 'Black Swan.' All you wanted to do was find a new outfit and spend some time with Urie.

You gave a few glances at the articles of clothing as you passed along, until a beautiful white fabric caught your eye. The white blouse stood out from the rest of the ugly colored blouses that surrounded it. It was like a miracle. You removed the piece from the rack and held it up, admiring it's beauty. Your eyes sparkled in awe and you smiled in satisfaction.

Urie scoffed at your actions as you made a big deal out of the blouse. From what he remembered, you had specifically said that you wanted to "spend time together like a real couple would," but no, here you are ignoring him over a piece of overpriced cloth. Women were confusing.

Urie turned the volume on his headphones higher, as if they weren't loud enough, and turned to the opposite direction. If you weren't going to pay attention to him, he might as well not waste any time. It would be better for him to head home and finish his work if he wanted to get a promotion.

By the time you had sensed Urie's absence, you turned around faster than the speed of sound. There in your line of sight, you saw Urie just a few feet away from the exit. Without thinking twice, you quickly hauled the shopping cart behind you and sprinted to his walking figure.

The closer you approached him, the more he could feel the anger radiating off of you.

Finally, he was in arm's length. You pulled back on his sleeve as a "tch" arose from his lips. You furrowed your eyebrows in frustration as you heard his reaction. With immense force, you turned him around so he was facing you. An expressionless face and blank eyes stared down at your short stature. You frowned back at him.

You clenched your teeth as you tried not to yell at him. You didn't want to attract anymore attention. On your way to Urie, a few women shopping at the store, kept giving him hungry stares and menacing ones towards you as you caught up and grabbed a hold of him.

"Urie...," you spoke out softly as you regained your composure, "just a few more minutes and then we can go home, please." Your grip on his arm tightened when you finished your sentence.

Urie stayed quiet for a moment as you kept hopeful eyes on him. He rolled his orbs and a long sigh emerged from him as he agreed to your request. He had no other choice anyways, if he didn't agree, you would have made the way home more difficult with the help of the lousy traffic.

"Uuuurie, how does this look?"




"Hmp, Urie are you paying attention!?" You yelled at the man sitting on the chair.

He looked up to your figure as you pointed at the white blouse you were wearing.

"It looks good on you. Now let's go home."

"Be serious now Kuki, I'm wearing this to your promotion..." He flinched at the mention of his promotion and eyed you up and down. Oh, so now you were going to use the promotion against him. An idea popped in his head as he stood up from the waiting chair.

"[Name], you're right. It is my promotion, (so why don't I choose how you'll look)."

He stepped closer to where you were standing. Your heart began to race as he began to approach you. His stature towered over your small physique as he pushed you into the dressing room. You could hear the "click" of the lock as the door slowly closed behind Urie. Each step he took caused the space between the two of you to lessen, but the more you backed up, the closer you came to a dead end: the wall.

You took a huge gulp as said man trapped you between his arms. His breath tickled your lips as he leaned in closer and closer. You could feel the smooth skin glide on your own lips as he prepared to make his next move. Within the blink of an eye, Urie and your own lips moved in synchronization. The kiss was deep and heated. You gripped on his shirt as a way to signal him that you needed a breath of air. As he gave you time to breathe, short pants of air escaped from your chest.

Delicate lips traveled from your jaw line down to your neck. His tongue gently circled around the sensitive skin causing you to shiver in delight. His left hand held you by the waist as the other made its way under your black skirt. His fingers slid under the fabric that separated him from your womanhood. He pushed a finger inside of you and then a second one as a gasp escaped your mouth.

Your insides clamped around his appendages as he slowly pumped them inside of you. Lewd moans escaped your lips as the sensation grew. The slow pace that he was taking was agonizing. You wanted more. You needed him to go faster.

"U-Urie, g-g-go fa-ster, ahh," you stuttered out. He smirked into your neck and set his gaze onto your face. The expression you were wearing was priceless. It satisfied him more than anything.

You gave him a pleading look. A look filled with hunger for more. Your (e/c) orbs filled with the sin for lust. Your legs shook underneath you from the pleasure and your hold on his shirt tightened. Your breathing increased as he suddenly moved inside of you with immense speed. A grin was plastered on his face as you bit your lip in an attempt to muffle your moans. Even so, the grunts and mewls still made their way out of your plump lips. Every "ah" that escaped caused excitement in the violet haired male; it only encouraged him to keep going.

"Ah, ah, U-Urie," you moaned out as the male thrusted faster. You shook as the pleasure became almost unbearable. Your walls tightened around his fingers.

"Urie! Ah, ngh," you moaned once more as you reached your climax. Your juices spilled onto Urie's fingers. He retrieved them back and licked each one with satisfaction as you stared at him with the pleasure he left you in.

"Looks like we spent some time together like a real couple would," he devilishly smiled at you as he licks his lips.


Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time!


Up Next: Suzuya Juuzou

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