Sharks and Sand Castles | Ginshi Shirazu

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不知 吟士|Ginshi Shirazu

Child! Reader x Child! Shirazu

You picked up the small pail filled with the wet sand from the beach as you had been hard at work trying to complete your sand castle. The waves of the blue sea reached out towards your feet as you made your way towards your creation.

Placing the pail upside down, you patted the bottom and proceeded to slowly lift it from its place. As you patted the sand down, off in the distance was a reckless orange headed boy. He ran from side to side, occasionally crashing into other kids' sand art. You eyed him up and down with the dirtiest glare you could ever give someone.

You hoped that he wouldn't go anywhere near you, but odds were that that would probably not happen considering the fact that he was running towards your direction. You stood up quickly and spread your arms far apart as he came within 3 feet of you.

"Oi! Don't come near me!!"

With the sudden shout, the boy hauled to a stop with confusion clearly written in his expression. He titled his head to the side as an eyebrow arched up.

"How come?"

"Because I don't want you to ruin my castle! Now go away!"

He frowned at your answer. He took a few steps towards you, but you firmly stood your ground. He looked behind you and eyed your work. He didn't seem very satisfied.

"What's your name?"

You were hesitant to answer, but eventually did. "[name], yours...?"

"I'm Ginshi!" He gave you a toothy grin. His pointed teeth reminded you of a shark as well as a friend of yours, Matsuoka Rin. You backed your face like a turtle would when he came into very close contact.

"Mind if I help out!" You frowned at his offer.

"I don't nee your help."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."


"Okay fine! You can help me, just stop bugging me!"

Shirazu gave you a big thumbs up as his expression lit up a thousand times more than before. An irritated look formed on your features as he began running back and forth with his small hands filled with the wet sand. A deformed pile stood next to your perfect castle as he dumped dirt on top. This did not even resemble anything to a sand castle. Just as you were about to express your discontentment with his so called help, your cry was immediately cut off by the voice of your mother.

You turned around to where your mother's voice was coming from and could see that she was carrying a camera with her. The sun was beginning to set and pinks, oranges and purples painted the once blue sky with its mesmerizing colors. Your mother thought it would be a great idea to snap a picture of you and your sand castle, especially with the colors of the sky adding depth to the mood of the blue sea. The photographer side of her could not help but use this as a perfect photograph.

She peeked behind you as she caught a glimpse of an orange headed boy shaping wet sand into what seemed like a tower of some sort. She grinned at the young boy as he caught sight of her. Shirazu stood up quickly and excitedly smiled at your mother.

"Hi! I'm Ginshi!"

"It's nice to meet you Ginshi. Do you mind if I take a picture of you and [name] together?"

"Okasan!" You protested at her question. She ignored you as she kept her focus on Shirazu's answer.

"I don't mind!"

A couple of seconds later, you were cringing as Shirazu posed next you. He was awfully close for your comfort, but you put up with it since there was no way your mom would let you go against her idea. The clicks of the camera rung in your ear as you forced a smile out for each shot. Your mother began to walk off with the photograph as she thanked Shirazu for his posing. You licked your tongue in annoyance.

"[Name]-chan! Thanks for letting me help and stuff! I hope we can see each other next time!" He shouted at you with gratitude. His next action surprised you. A vicious red tinted your cheeks as two soft lips pecked your cheek. You jumped back at the loving gesture and stood standing in complete shock as the young lad sped off to what you concluded was his family's automobile.

"B-baka," you whispered under your breath as you walked towards your mom with a flustered face. She was smiling like a fool.


I decided that it's better if I write under 1,000 words so that I can update more often. I hope you guys like that, but I think I should make the limit 1,200? idk. I plan to update sooner because I've been taking an awful long time to and that's not fair to you guys. I know this is really short, but I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time!


Up Next: Amon Koutarou

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