Towers Make Friendships | Hideyoshi Nagachika

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永近英良|Hideyoshi Nagachika

Child! Reader x Child! Hideyoshi

"B-but, I don't want to go, mama," she sniffled as she rubbed her swollen [color] eyes.

[Name]'s mother softly smiled at her daughter as she fixed her knitted (color) hat. "[Name], you have to go to school."

"But ma–"

"[Name]," she called her name in a stern voice as she stood up, taking a hold of the girl's small hand. "It won't be bad at all. I promise you you'll like preschool."

[Name] puffed her cheeks as she reluctantly walked over to the open gate of the school. Smiling, her mother bent down to place a kiss on her forehead. The young girl wasn't too fond of having to go to school, especially with kids she'd never seen before. It was even more terrifying for her to even think about being separated from her mother. However, as much as she pouted and wined, her mother was set on taking her to school.

As [name] was led off to the school room by an assistant teacher, her mother waved good-bye and disappeared into their car. The [hair color] looked up to the woman holding her hand, her blue eyes sparkling at the young child; a warm smile apparent on her visage. [Name] politely grinned at her, before turning her face to puff out her cheeks; a habit she had when she was mad. Before entering the loud room, [name] put on her bravest face as the assistant ushered her in.

[Name] wasn't surprised with what she was met with once she was inside the classroom. Children were crying for their moms while others were playing with the different toys provided. Once the teacher spotted her, [name] was led to what she suspected to be her seat. To her dismay, she was placed between an obnoxious girl with short brown hair and a crying snot faced boy. His mother was struggling as she tried to calm him down; assuring him that he would be fine. Even with all the chaos around her, [name] tried her best to show her happy side.

Things could be a lot more worse.


An intense aura surrounded (f/n) as her concentration was in full power. Slowly and steadily, she placed the blue block on the very top of her tower. She crossed her arms once the piece of wood was placed; she was admiring her work. However, her breath hitched as she could see signs of her tower moving. She held her breath, anticipating it's fall. A sigh left her lips at last once her structure stood securely.


And with a blink of an eye, everything she had known was destroyed. [Name] could feel her blood boil as she saw her creation scattered around the floor. She turned to the figure that had destroyed her tower. A smile was on the culprit's face. His orange hair matched his orange polo and his pants made him resemble some kind of plant; [name] couldn't exactly remember what plant. His shoes weren't tied, well only one shoe was tied. He had a messy appearance.

The young [hair color] could only glare at the boy in front of her. Tears peeked through her eyes as she wore a frown, her lips quivering. She wiped her eyes and sniffled; she didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it.

"Ne, don't cry," the boy instructed as he stumbled towards the girl, almost falling because of the blocks. "You look better when you smile!" He sat himself in front of her, making silly faces to lighten up her mood.

The atmosphere surrounding the two preschoolers lifted once laughter exploded from the young girl. She couldn't stop giggling at the boy's expressions.

Maybe he isn't so bad after all.

Noticing the girl's drastic change of expression, Hideyoshi smiled brightly. "Chotto, what's your name?"

"Ā, it's [[last and first name]!" She announced as she recovered from her fit.

"My name is Hideyoshi Nagachika!" He pointed at himself with his thumb as he proudly grinned, revealing the fact that one of his front teeth were missing. "You can just call me Hide for short!"

"Hai!" [Name] gleamed happily at the boy, enjoying the thought of having a new friend.

"Hey [name]-chan, remember how we first met," a nineteen year old Hide questioned, reminiscing over his childhood. He turned to look at the girl sitting next to him, a playful grin on his lips. [Name] looked up from her sandwich, slightly annoyed that her lunch had been interrupted. She swallowed and cleared her throat before responding.

"Yeah, what about it," she answered hesitantly, suspicious of the male's sudden question.

"I can't believe you cried over some stupid blocks!" He laughed out loud, unfazed by the people staring at him with questionable looks as they walked passed them. He held his stomach as it began to hurt from his fit and tried to keep himself from falling off the bench.

"Shut up! People are staring!"

"You freaking cried! Bahahaha!"

"Hide, shut up! I was small!"

"You were small and cute [name]-chan," he teased as he wiped the tears from his eyes. He rose from the bench as he grabbed the girl's hand, guiding her towards the exit of the park. He giggled at her flushed expression. "And you still are small and cute~"


My own experience from preschool inspired this lmao. Except I didn't have a cute friend like Hide ;n; Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time!


Up Next: Tsukiyama Shu

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