Wait It's You!? | Kirishima Ayato

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霧嶋 絢都|Kirishima Ayato

A loud thud erupted as [name]'s back came into contacted with the grey tile wall behind her. Her head throbbed with pain from the impact. Looking up to her opponents, she shot a glare at the ringleader of her bullies, Misaki Aiko.

"Don't look at me like that you little #@&%^!," Aiko commanded as she moved closer to her victim. A grunt escaped [name]'s lips as she felt Aiko's boot dig into her abdomen. Her eyes shut themselves tightly once tears began to surface.

"Haha, look at her face," one of the girls in the back giggled as she recorded, "it's priceless!"

Stars began to cloud [name]'s vision and everything she looked at began to double up. The world around her seemed to spin before her as Aiko landed another punch to her face. [Name] could taste a metallic liquid running from the side of her lips, but she wiped it regardless of what it was. She stood up ready to deliver a punch herself; however, her body had different plans for her.

The [hair color] immediately dropped to the ground before she could take a step forward. Aiko smirked at the fallen figure before landing one last kick to the girl's stomach. Crimson blood splat in front of Aiko causing her to move a step back. Her fellow accomplices gathered around their victim, pining insults at the second year.

"Look at her! She looks so stupid!"

"Next time you should stay out of our way if you don't wanna get beat up stupid!"

"Trying to be a hero? How dumb."

"Let's go before some-"

[Name] couldn't hear the last of the girl's words as she began to slowly lose consciousness. The last thing she could remember was hearing the loud bang from the girls' restroom door opening and closing. A pair of indoor shoes appeared before her. And after that, everything went black.

[Name] blinked a few times as she tried to adjust her vision. She slowly sat up in the infirmary's bed, grunting as she moved around. Her body ached from her movements making it hard for her to adjust herself.

"I see you're awake now." The school's nurse spoke once she heard [name]'s rustling. Fujioka's brown eyes smiled as she stepped towards the girl. "How are you feeling, sweetie," she asked as she helped the girl adjust.

"My sides just hurt a little bit," [name] winced as she felt around her stomach. She reached towards her cheek suddenly feeling a bandage instead of her soft skin as she checked for anymore wounds.

"The last bell is about to ring in five minutes. Do you want me to call your parents to pick you up?"

"N-no that's fine," [name] answered, waving her hand with a crooked smile. "I can manage walking home!"

"Are you sure [name]-chan?" Fujioka questioned, crossing her arms. She was unconvinced by the girl's claims as she struggled to get out of the bed.

"It'll be fine, really!"

Hesitantly, Fujioka handed the girl her backpack that had been retrieved from the classroom earlier. She bit her lip unsatisfied with [name]'s current conditions. Fujioka couldn't do much though since the young girl before her was awfully stubborn; there was no way her mind would change.

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