Beach Envy | Kirishima Ayato

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霧嶋 絢都|Kirishima Ayato

You ran through the crystal white sand and towards the deep blue ocean. As you grabbed onto your sun hat, a childish grin adorned your features.

The bright sun was high up in the sky; its rays of light reflecting off the sea. The soft waves touched the beach and retrieved itself over and over again. A light wind caused the green patches of grass to sway along.

No one else was in sight. It was just you and Ayato. A perfect time to be at the beach.

As you ran towards the body of salt water, Ayato stayed behind with the supplies in hand. He hauled the umbrella, towels and ice cooler with a struggle through the sand. A "tch" left his lips when you ran out of the car, forgetting his existence.

You had no idea that Ayato was having a hard time with your items. The only thought that you had in mind was the ocean. Nothing else mattered. Not even Ayato's annoyed figure.

By the time you had realized that you had left Ayato with all the hard work, he was practically finished setting up. A pang of guilt sprung inside of you. You slowly made your way to where Ayato was, afraid that he might ignore you for the rest of your day.

"A-Ayato-kun...?" You spoke out softly to him. He just looked up to your shrinking figure. His blue eyes peeked from under the dark shades as he signaled for you to continue.

You cleared your throat as the sentence left your lips. "Are you...mad at me?"

A blank expression was visible on his features. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as he calmly patted to the empty space next to him. With caution you sat next to him as he laid down with his arms crossed behind his head. A breath of air was released from his lips as the wind blew softly once again over the quiet beach.

"[Name]," he spoke out as he noticed your puzzled state,"what's wrong?"

"N-nothing! Everything's fine!" You waved your hand in the air. He looked up from his glasses when you responded. A devilish smirk appeared on his face.

"Just so you know, I'm not mad. But you owe me next time...," he yawned out.

"...of course you would say that..."

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"It was nothing Ayato-kun! Hehe..."

"It better be nothing. Now be quiet, I want to relax."

You puffed out your cheeks as the male dozed off into sleep. This "vacation" of yours was suppose to be spent with Ayato, where the two of you would play around or do couple things, not sleep around all day. However, it couldn't be helped. If you tried convincing Ayato to do what you wanted, you wouldn't have gone anywhere since he could be a pretty stubborn person.

You sighed in defeat and gave in to the sleeping figure. Cuddling up next to said male, you relaxed yourself until you were met with darkness.


"I see them over there! Look, look there!"



Your eyes groggily opened up at the sound your name and of a familiar voice. Off in the distance, you could see blonde locks of hair bouncing around as the figure ran towards your sight. You look to your side and could see Ayato waking up from his nap. A lazy yawn rose from his lips as he rubbed his eyes.

"Tch, this dumbass is here now...," he grunted as Naki and his two sidekicks came closer.

You greeted Naki with a smile as he approached.

"Naki-kun! I didn't expect for you to be here!" You exclaimed happily as Ayato glared at the other male. Noticing his actions, you nudged the jealous ghoul in the side, hoping he would quit his childish act.

For the rest of the time at the beach, you and Naki were inseparable. The two of you made sand castles together, and then stomped all over them in the end, found beautiful sea shells, buried each other in sand and joked around in the water. But of course, occasionally you would plant a few jokes on Ayato just to see him get annoyed.

As you, Naki, and the twins, Gagi and Guge, splashed around in the waves, Ayato was on shore with anger radiating from his being. He hated the fact that you left him to play around with those idiots. He clenched his fists and tightened his jaw as he saw you laugh and jump around Naki.

"Ahaha, Naki stop, stop it! Okay, okay, time out!"

"Aw c'mon [name]-chan! You scared that I'm going to beat you!"

"No," you stuck your tongue out,"I'm just gonna go get a drink."


You giggled at the boy and ran out of the ocean before he could give you one last splash. Panting, you opened up the ice box and pulled out a bottled water. After a few gulps, you wiped your mouth and looked down to Ayato. He had on an empty expression. You tilted your head to the side as he looked up to you.

"What's wrong Ayato?" You asked innocently.

"Psh, everything is fine. It's just great really. I hope you're having a damn good time."

You smirked as you could hear the jealousy dripping from his tone. Bothered by the silly grin on your face Ayato took matters in his own hands. He decided that it was time to teach you a lesson.

With one quick movement, you found yourself laying under Ayato. He straddled your hips and with one hand, he held your wrists on top of your head. A sly smile painted across his visage as he watched you glare at him in your helpless position.

"[Last name], after this everyone will know who you belong to..." he grunted in a whisper to where only you would hear his rough voice.

Ayato lowered his lips onto your neck and viciously placed dominating kisses. His breath tickled the sides of your neck as he lingered where your sweet spot was located. He nibbled on the sensitive skin and snickered as he could feel you shudder with every lick.

"A-Ayato, st-op."

The male ignored your plea and continued on with his actions. After a few minutes of the pleasuring agony, he lifted himself off from you; a lazy smile hung at the corners of his mouth.

"That wasn't so bad, now. Was it [name]?" He teased.


I had written this for an Ayato x Reader book that I used to write before this so it might sound familiar huehuehue >:o

Notice: I will be going on a hiatus from February - June due to transitions for university

Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time!


Up Next: Sasaki Haise (coming sometime June 2016)

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