Motorcycles and Ramen | Ginshi Shirazu

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不知 吟士|Ginshi Shirazu

You cursed yourself as you tightly held onto the waist of the orange haired male. Curse you for agreeing to this. Curse you for not being able to say no to anything. Curse this man for convincing you.

"Shi-Shirazu-k-kun, s-s-slow down, please!"

"This ain't even fast [name]!"

"Y-yes it is!" You answered him back as you held onto him for dear life.

Earlier on, Shirazu had convinced you to join him on a joy ride through the city night. He claimed that you had nothing to worry about since it was "completely safe." But from the amount of panic that you let out, you weren't so sure you should continue on.

Shirazu continued going at an accelerating speed, enjoying the cool night air touch his face. A wide smile was clear on his visage as his heart and adrenaline sky rocketed up with each passing second. He was too caught up in the moment to even realize poor [name] dying in the back. Your heart felt as if it would jump out of your throat. All your muscles tensed up as you shut your eyes tightly. Digging your face into your lover's black leather jacket, you tried to get your mind to focus on good thoughts.

After a few heart thrilling moments, Shirazu finally noticed your terrified figure. He sighed to himself as he slowed down the motorcycle to a stop in front of a ramen shop. Noticing the sudden decrease in speed, you hesitantly looked up from Shirazu's muscular back. You blinked a couple times from confusion as you moved your stare to the man in front of you.

Tilting your head to the side, you questioned his sudden halt, "um, Sh-Shirazu? Why did you stop here?"

"*sigh* [name], you were shaking non stop, so I thought 'might as well stop here' ya know! Figured it would calm you right up!" He smiled to you, revealing his sharp toothy grin. You smiled at the sincerity of his voice and nodded to him. You placed a chaste kiss on his cheek as you flushed into a light pink.

Shirazu held the piece of cloth to the side as you stepped into the small ramen shack. The alluring sent of the noodles carried itself to your nose, making your tummy rumble. You licked your lips and took a seat on the chair as you waited for Shirazu to take his place next to you.

The two of you ordered your meals and patiently waited to be served afterwards. You tapped your fingers on the table in a bored manner as Shirazu stared at your features. A light blush flushed his cheeks when your eyes met his. As fast as he could, Shirazu turned his head away from you before you could even notice his pink cheeks. You shrugged your shoulders as you had no idea what his problem was.

Off in the distance, you could see one of the waiters with your tray of food. Your eyes almost popped out of you head as the two bowls of hot ramen made their way. Once the waiter set the two bowls down you quickly spoke out, "itadakimasu," and began to stuff down the noodles with your chop sticks. Shirazu stared at your gobbling figure with horror. How could she eat that fast!? It's as if it's the first time she's ever eaten before! He arched an eye brow as he shook his head and began politely eating.

He savored the spicy taste of the noodles while you shoved it down your throat. He took sips of his drink while you tried to drink it in just one gulp. The people around you stared at you in disgust and Shirazu could hear the whispers coming from the other women.

"How disgusting!"

"Why is someone like him even eating with a slob like her!?"

"It's repulsive!"

His grip on the cold glass tightened as the women's words came flooding into his ears. (F/n) noticed his actions and wiped her mouth with her sleeve as she set her chop sticks down.

"What's wrong Shirazu?"

"It's nothing."

She examined his features, but could easily tell that he was lying. Something was bothering him. Obviously, but what as it? She looked around the small space and could see women whispering to each other as they pointed in her direction and laughed. She turned back to Shirazu and smiled.

"It's those women isn't it, Shi-chan?"


"It's okay, don't worry. I don't really mind!"

"Baka!" He yelled out as he flicked her on the forehead. "You might not care, but I do! People like them piss me off!"


"Shut up, we're going home!"

He set down the currency on the table and took a hold of her wrist as the two rushed out the food place. He glared at the women as he passed by them. He sat her down on the motorcycle and quickly placed the helmet over her [hair color and length] hair.

Without warning, the orange haired male started the motorcycle and sped off. (F/n) quickly held onto his waist out of fear. What was he thinking?

"Shirazu! You're going too fast! Slow down please!" She cried out with tears in her eyes. He was going faster than before. And this terrified her. However, the fast speed wouldn't last for long as said male stopped in front of the park.

[Name] looked around in confusion. She thought they were going home, but this wasn't home. She took her helmet off as she stared at Shirazu.

"Shi-chan, this isn't the-"

"I know." He cut her off as he stepped off. He turned to her and cupped her cheeks. "Why are you such an idiot? Why do you think it's okay for people to talk about you in such a way?! You always do this..."


"Don't apologize, you dumbo."

[Name] half smiles at him. The street lamp illuminated her [color] orbs as they shined. And her [color] hair swayed as the faint wind lightly blew it with it's cold breath. Shirazu could hear the song of the crickets as he stared at her. The space between the two of them lessened as they inched closer. Their lips touched as the stars brightened above them.


Well that was terrible! I'm sorry for the terrible one shot ;-; 💔 school has started and I've been super busy with studies and marching band! But I'll try to make time for this! Okay?
Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time! 💘


Up next: Requested! Kuki Urie Lemon

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