Just One Kiss, Maybe More? | Amon Koutarou

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亜門 鋼太朗|Amon Koutarou

WARNING: somewhat sexual/ lime!!! you have been warned

Your [color] eyes glued themselves strictly on your boyfriend's lips as he studied for his upcoming calculus test. He was completely engrossed in the worksheet in front of him. You pouted your lips as he payed no mind to you. Fed up with the lack of attention, you swiped the paper away from him. A sly grin tugged at the corners of your mouth once he looked up at your face.

"Tch, [name] what do you think you're doing?" He asked with a stoic face, his eyes like stone. You could tell he was annoyed. "Hand it over."

"Īe, I don't want to!"

"[Name], I'm not kidding. Give it back, I need to study."

"But Koutarou," you wined out to him.

"[Name]," he stood up abruptly as he dusted off the invisible dirt on his pants. He walked out of his room and towards who-knows-where. You grunted at his actions, unimpressed by them.

After a few minutes of you pouting alone in his room, you could finally hear footsteps walking up the stairs. You sat up straight as Amon emerged with a bowl of strawberries. He sat himself down; calmly reaching for his homework, he continued his studies as he once again ignored your presence.

Throughout the agonizing hours, which were actually only twenty minutes, you sighed and sighed, completely bored by the gruesome task of watching your boyfriend work on equations that you never imagined to even understand.

"Ugh," you let out a breath of air, hoping to get the male's mind off his current task.

"What is it [name]," he stated as he kept his pencil moving on the paper.

"Oh nothing." Seconds passed before you let out another dissatisfied sigh. "UG-"

Amon harshly placed his utensil on the table as he suddenly pushed you down to the floor. His hands and body restrained you from lifting yourself off of the ground. Your arms were held over your head as he softly glared at your being.

"Is this what you wanted [name]?" A faint blush appeared over his cheeks as he questioned you.

You turned your head to the side, hiding the fact that you were flushed pink as well. "N-no," you retorted with an unsteady voice. Amon lifted himself half way up, letting your hands be free from his hold. Your [color] eyes stared at him with confusion enveloped within them. You anxiously awaited his next moves, curiosity coursing through your body.

He searched your face for any signs of discomfort before proceeding with his next move. Without any sense of hesitation, Amon leaned back down to where you were; his lips brushed gently over yours. Small chaste kisses were exchanged between the two of you. Your lips and his merged into one as a passionate kiss began to bud. His tongue slid across your bottom lip, asking for permission; allowing him his token, mewls left your mouth. You were allowed the chance to breath once Amon moved himself from your lips to a lower region.

His soft lips traced from your jawline down to your naked neck. He licked on the soft flesh before creating love marks that perfectly combined with your skin. His right hand traveled down your body; his fingers familiarizing themselves with the shape of your figure before resting on your bottom. You gasped before biting down on your bottom lip.


Before things were getting heated, Amon quickly lifted himself off from your body and sat once again at the table. You glared at the teenager, upset that he had gotten you riled up for something that didn't happen. You crossed your arms angrily, stomping to where he was.

"Koutarou-kun!! You're so mean!" Irritation was clear in your voice as it practically dripped from your mouth.

"I gave you what you wanted, now let me-"

The passion from before was clearly visible in your orbs as you pushed the dark haired male down to the ground. You were determined to get what you wanted and a dumb assignment wasn't going to stop you.

"[Name] what are you doing!?"

"What do you think I'm doing," you sassed at him as you swiftly removed your shirt, exposing your (color) bra. Crimson immediately flashed across Amon's visage at the sight of your almost covered breasts. "This is your fault anyways Koutarou!" You stood up over him, easily removing your pajama shorts; you sat over his torso, teasing him as you slowly grinded against his area.

A deep grunt escaped his lips as you could feel his member begin to grow. A smirked played on your lips as you reached behind your back and unhinged your bra. You smiled at the male seductively as you leaned towards him, sliding your hands underneath is grey shirt. Your appendages molded themselves over his toned body as you let your desires control you.

Unable to hold back any longer, Amon grabbed a hold of your torso as he pulled you up to where your chest was close to his mouth. He sucked on your left bud, twirling it with his tongue before he exchanged it with the other to give it the same kind of attention.

Lewd moans from your mouth bounced around the walls of his room as they entered his ears. Your mewls were leaving the male quite aroused, causing his member to harden. Pushing you to the floor and switching roles with you, he looked down at your face. His colored eyes obtained in them a calling for lust, passion and desire.

"I need you now [name]," he whispered in a voice that was barely audible for you as he hurriedly removed his pants. His area was beginning to ache for the touch of your being.

"Koutarou, I'm home," his father announced once a loud door closed downstairs.

"Shit," Amon cursed out in a whisper as he hurriedly handed your garments, disappointed in the abrupt end of your lustful actions.


It was kinda rushed I'm sorry! It's been some time since I've written something like this...possible lemons in the future if you guys want???? idk//// Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time!


Up Next: Takizawa Seidou

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