Who Are You? | Nishio Nishiki pt. 2/2

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西尾錦|Nishio Nishiki pt. 2/2

A/n: People have been asking for a second part so why not? Plus I'm writing it as an apology for being a terrible author ):
*Last Time*

His eyes widened with disbelief. He couldn't string the letters together to create the words he needed. Nothing came out.

She smiled at him politely. The look in her [color] orbs were empty. They weren't like the ones he remembered. She was different now; a completely different person.

And realization hit him that she didn't recall him at all.


Nishiki stared at the girl with disbelief clearly written in his eyes. He shook his head as he gulped down the lump in his throat. Pushing all thoughts aside, he smiled at the familiar stranger in front of him. He bowed down to her as an apology.

[Name] kindly smiled at the young man. She had this gut feeling inside of her. She felt as if she knew the man, but she shrugged it off. It was impossible. She's never met him before. If she did, she surely would have remembered their encounters.

The two figures continued on there way as if their meeting had never happened. A split second of time seemed to have paused when Nishiki unconsciously took hold of [name]. The [hair color] span around at his force. Her [color] orbs widened in shocked astonishment at the movements of the unknown stranger. Must she have offended him in some way?

[Name] landed in said male's arms. Nishiki held onto her in a tight embrace; he was afraid that if he was to let go, she'd be gone forever. His actions were out of character, but he couldn't stand seeing the one he loved forget him.

Above in the heavens, the grey clouds met as they merged to form one. The sun's rays were shunned out causing a light darkness to take place down below. Droplets of water made way down to earth. Different shades and sizes of umbrellas moved about in the streets of Tokyo as its citizens went at their day unaffected by the drizzle.

The small droplets splashed and slid down Nishiki and [name]'s cheeks.

"[N-name]," the familiar name emerged from the orange haired male's pink lips.

He caressed the red tinted cheeks of the small woman in his arms. Her eyes spoke of surprise and familiarity at the ding of her name. She looked up into his eyes. The droplets of rain created patterns on his glasses; all sorts of sizes took shape.

A pang of pain formed. Her head throbbed without warning. Her face twisted in agony as her knees gave way. She dropped to the ground and Nishiki went down with her. Her [skin tone] hands clutched onto her head. She grunted as the pain increased.

Nishiki held onto her wrists as he looked at her with worry. He panicked at her actions. He was unsure of what he should do to help her out. Without much thought, he picked the girl up with as much care as he could. He ran through the streets, splashing with every step he took.

The crowd of people parted like the Red Sea as he moved passed them. He looked down to the girl and could see the shade of her once [skin tone] face melt into a colorless shade, creating an emotionless facade. Nishiki's blurry face came into [name]'s vision as her hazy eyes attempted to opened up. Her purple lips parted as she questioned the male where his destination was.

"Sh," he quieted her down followed with the reply to her question. "You'll feel better at the ho-"

However, before she could hear the last part, [name] slipped into a quiet slumber. A small smile took place on her lips. Her pale face was illuminated by the sun's rays as they peeped through the cracks of the clouds. The heavens looked down at the two figures in an admiring way.                  


[Name]'s ears were greeted by the quiet beeps of the machinery. She slowly rose up in a daze as she rubbed her swollen eyes. She looked around the small room in hopes of finding the young man from earlier. To her dismay, there was no sign of his presence.

Just as she was about to lay back down with a disappointed sigh, she caught sight of a nurse passing by. She called out to the woman with the little energy she had in her. Her words came out in a raspy sound like if she hadn't spoken in years. She questioned the woman on the whereabouts of the orange headed male.

"Oh yes! If I do remember correctly, his name was Nishiki-san. He said to give this to you."

The woman reached into her pocket and pulled out a white piece of paper. She handed it to [name] and left afterwards reminding her that if she needed anything to just give a call. The door shut with a quiet thud, leaving the [color] haired girl alone with her thoughts and Nishiki's note.

[Name] tried out the name; it was delicious to her tongue. Nishio Nishiki. The familiarity of the letters together felt like she'd pronounced them before. Her eyes twinkled at the handwriting before her, and she smiled sweetly at his message:

The events from earlier today must have been confusing for you and I'd like to apologize for my childish actions. I hope we can meet again, but in a more proper way, unless you wish to keep your distance from me. Please take care.

-Nishio Nishiki

She held the small note onto her chest as she grinned up to the white ceiling. Her lids shut closed as she whispered to the man that was not there.

"I hope we do meet again, Nishiki-kun."

The sun rested above comfortably in the sea of blue as clouds decorated around it. It's rays kissed the surface of the earth and brought forth warmth. The wind touched the surface of nature's beings and caused the leaves to giggle against its touch. The birds chirped in delight and the streets were peaceful. A pure image of happiness.

[Name] lifted the brown box and headed through the doors of the store, but she struggled with getting its enormous size through. With a rough push she was able to get it past the other side. Just as she took her first step outside, being the clumsy person she was, [name] tripped over her own foot. She fell over as the contents of the box spilled out.

"Tch," she kissed her teeth in annoyance as she began to pick up the items. Old books were scattered about; their contents all different to each other, but they all held precious stories within them.

A pair of shoes came into contact with [name]'s vision just as she was about to reach towards Takatsuki Sen's The Black Goat's Egg. She quickly picked up the book and placed it back inside the box. Using her hand to shade her [color] eyes from the sun's rays, she looked up to the figure that stood before her. She squinted her eyes trying to make out who this figure was.

It was difficult trying to make out the details of his facial features as they were too dark to see. Because his back was facing the sun and she was facing it head on, it was hard for her eyes to decipher who this person was. She blinked a few times as her vision gradually adjusted to the scene.

Her [color] orbs sparkled at the person whom she recognized. She stood up without a second thought and quickly dusted herself off. Her welcoming smile couldn't be stopped as she hugged him tightly. She buried her face into the man's chest as tears began to take form.

"N-Nishiki-kun! I re-remember, so-so p-lease don't leave a-anymore!"

"I'm not going anywhere, [name]..."


Definitely not the best ending, I know! I'm sorry about that... 미안해 (sorry)! ;-; By the way, if anyone has any requests for a character let me know! Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time!


Up Next: Ginshi Shirazu

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