Butterfly | Kaneki Ken

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金木研|Kaneki Ken

"Ken! Ken, wake up!"

"[Name]-chan, it's five in the morning go back to sleep..." He mumbled into the pillow, not wanting to get up.

The girl furrowed her eyebrows unhappy with the boy's lack of enthusiasm. "But Ken," she wined out loud shaking Kaneki's shoulder, "you have to get up~"

With one last shake, Kaneki rose from his slumber, some what irritated that he was waking up so early. However, he couldn't stay mad at the beauty in front of him; she was just too cute. Rubbing his eyes, he yawned and sat against the board of the bed waiting for [name]'s next choice of words.

[Name] jumped out of the covers and opened the curtains letting in the small amount of light that was available. The birds were chirping bright and early, singing their songs of joy. The sky was painted with various shades of pink, purple and orange. Small amounts of clouds drifted across the early sky. It was cold out, but still beautiful regardless.

The [hair color] spun around facing Kaneki who was still in bed. A bright smile adorned her face as she inched closer to him. [name] giggled at Kaneki's bed hair as she jumped into his lap. Placing her legs around the boy's waist, she inched her face closer to his. She cupped his cheeks in her palms and placed her plump lips against his own. Kaneki could taste hints of her cherry chapstick as she kissed him lovingly. Their lips moved in synchronization and sparks bursted from their passionate kiss.

Kaneki was at a loss of words once the girl pulled away. He took on an small frown at the absence of her lips, a tint of red appearing on his face as he looked at the sweet tasting girl.

"Happy Birthday Kaneki Ken!" The girl bursted out grinning as she pecked the boy's cheek.

"Ah! Arigatou [name]-chan! I almost forgot..."

"What's wrong Ken? You don't seem very happy about it being your birthday." [Name] titled her head as she pouted.

"It, it's nothing!"

"I bet you want another kiss," she teased him wiggling her finger in front of his flushed face.

Touching his chin with his left hand, he smiled at the girl. "No, it's fine."

"I can tell you're lying Ken~"

Without any hesitation, [name] happily pulled Kaneki's face to her own as their lips met once again. The loving gesture soon ended once [name] rolled out of bed. Yawning, Kaneki silently watched her walk again towards the glass sliding doors. Her [color] hair was not as crazy as it usually was which surprised him. She was practically wearing the same clothes as him, some [color] sweat pants and a sweater. He noticed that she had lost one of her socks in the sea of covers; he silently laughed at this.

"What's so funny Ken?"

"Oh it's nothing [name]-chan."

She eyed him suspiciously before turning  back to admire the morning beauty that Tokyo had to offer. After a few silent moments, [name] turned to look at the lad who was reading in bed.

"Ken?" The boy looked up from his book, waiting for her to continue. "Takatsuki-sensei is holding a signing today. Let's go? Then we can head to a honya and buy your present." Kaneki nodded at the plans, signaling that he was content with them. "Well it's settled then. Let's get ready~" she smiled as she clapped her hands together.

Kaneki and [name] sat at the tables of Anteiku with warm coffees in hand. A white bag slung over Kaneki's chair containing his books from [name]. He took a sip of the bitter liquid, warming up his throat. He looked over to find [name] with fogged glasses as she drank from her cup.

"[Name]." The girl looked up rubbing her circular lenses with her sleeves in an attempt to see clearly.


He giggled at her actions, covering his mouth in the process. "You're so cute," he chimed out smiling at the girl in front of him.

Her cheeks puffed out as they colored themselves in a ruby shade. She adjusted her glasses and took another sip of her cup. Kaneki half smiled at the girl and turned to look out the window only to find a butterfly fluttering around.

"[Name]-chan, did you know butterflies symbolize martial bliss?" He casually stated, resting his head on his hand. Her cheeks flushed red at his words.

I'm afraid that if I let go of your hand, you'll fly away.


BTS' "Butterfly" reminded me of Kaneki so much, so I just had to.

Happy Birthday to my sweet boy Kaneki! ❤️ 🎉 I just wish Ishida-sensei could give him the happiness that he deserves ;n; he's such a precious child! I'd pour out my feelings for Ken right now but the lyrics of the song are enough 💓

I'll update Ayato's chapter next. I promise! Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time!


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