A Senpai's Confession | Takizawa Seidou

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滝澤 政道|Takizawa Seidou

[Name] tapped her foot continuously in agitation as she waited under the old cherry tree for her senpai. She squinted her eyes when she looked up towards the sky. Puffs of clouds decorated the sea of blue causing the patches of shade on  the courtyard. Off in the distance she could see Takizawa calmly walking to their eating spot. She furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance once he came within three feet of her.

"Oi! You're late 'senpai'!" She crossed her arms and clicked her tongue. The older male glared at her in response.

"I'm you're senpai. You shouldn't be talking to me like that!"

"Just sit down and eat! I'm hungry!"

He plopped himself next to the small girl and brought out his chopsticks. He peeked over towards the [hair color] in curiosity. She was cupping her rice ball contently as she brought up the food to her plump lips. Her [hair length and color] shined under the sun's rays as it softly blew in the gentle breeze and her skin seemed smooth to the touch. She gave off this lovely aura; she glowed brightly like a goddess of beauty. 

"What are you looking at?"


He quickly averted his gaze back to himself and dismissed the question. Not sure of what to do next, he furiously began eating the content in his bento to try to play off that he was "not staring". [Name] titled her head as her eyebrow raised in question. She shook her head and smiled at his actions. She placed her bento to the side and fumbled with her hands, staring at their form. She desperately wanted to ask Takizawa if anything was wrong. The past few days he was not acting like his usual self. It was weird. A troubled look shaped itself on her features.



[Name] blinked and slightly jumped back as a girl with silky long pink hair appeared. She stood in front of the duo with a flushed face. Her knees shook as she nervously played with her hands. [Name] shifted her eyes towards Takizawa, waiting for his response. Might this be his...


"S-senpai, c-c-can you me-et me a-at the rooftop afterschool!?"

She closed her eyes waiting for his words. Takizawa turned to his friend confused on whether or not to accept the invitation. [Name] smiled, viciously nodding her head. How cute! His first confession...



Without a minute to waste, the girl sped off to find her friends.

"Wah! How cute is it that my senpai is getting his first confession on the rooftop! It's cliché, but romantic," [name] teased as she wiggled her finger in front of the brunette. His eyes widened like an owl's at the girl's exclamation.

"W-wait! That was for a confession!" A look of horror appeared when he realized what he had agreed to.

"Baka! What do you think it was for!" [Name] reached out for her apple juice and took a sip from her straw, amazed that her childhood friend had not gotten the hint. It should have been clear to him that this "Sakura-chan" girl was going to confess her undying love for him. Well, that was what she thought.

"If it was for a confession then I never would have agreed!"

"Well, you can just de-"

"You should have told me something!" He yelled out in agitation. Scooting back with her head tilted, [name] stared at the male surprised with his shifted tone of voice.

"You don't have to yell at me," she snapped at him shooting him a glare.

Takizawa quickly stood up from his seat and violently threw his food in the trash can nearby. A few students that were around had turned their gaze towards where the two friends were, curious as to what the loud sound was. They averted their attention back to their groups once Takizawa shot them an angry look. They whispered to themselves as they occasionally looked back. [Name]ignored their stares and continued with her business.

"Calm down. You don't have to get angry." She stood up and proceeded towards the can throwing away her leftovers. Drinking her juice, she waited for Takizawa as she walked towards him. He sat back down combing his fingers through his brown locks. A distressed sigh left his lips.

"Aren't you bothered that someone is confessing to me..." he questioned with a shaky voice. Looking down at his shoes, he rested his head on his palms anticipating her response.

"Why would I be bothered?" She continued to suck on the straw until she noticed that there was no more juice.



"I love you."

Her [color] orbs shifted towards the third year, taken back by his sudden confession. She was left speechless until the three words settled in her mind. She peacefully smiled at the crouched figure and sat down, placing the empty juice box next to her. Takizawa slowly began to sit up. He looked at the girl through the corner of his brown eyes. He was confused. What is she doing?

Slowly, the younger girl intertwined her slim fingers with his. Her eyes rested on the few students that were in the yard. Shouts and laughter bounced off the school walls that surrounded them. It was a lively atmosphere.

"I'll admit it. I'm jealous that Sakura-san had the courage to invite you to the rooftop." Her glassy eyes turned to look at him. "S-seidou-kun, I feel terrible for saying this, b-but I'm so happy that you don't like her because I love you, too." She smiled at him as small tears ran down the side of her reddened cheeks.

Takizawa wiped [name]'s tears away as he frantically looked at her. He cupped the girl's face and inspected her facial features. He let go and quickly searched through his bag. His eyes brightened once he was found what he was looking for. He brought out a juice box and handed it towards [name] once he poked the straw through the hole.

"[N-name], don't cry!" He shouted out as he tried to comfort the second year with his small gesture.

A giggle escaped her lips as she grabbed the pineapple juice. Wiping her tears she grinned at his actions.

"Seidou-kun! These are happy tears!"                 


Takizawa looked around the enclosed area in search of Sakura. Even after knowing that [name] had accepted his feelings, he was still nervous about the meeting with Sakura. He didn't want to hurt the girl's feelings. It was his first time declining someone confession.


"Ah, Sakura, there you are! What did you want to t-talk about," he tried to shake off his nervousness with a small grin. He scratched the back of his head as he looked down at the girl's legs. Just like their earlier encounter, her legs were shaking. He looked back up to her hazel eyes once she began to speak. The girl was a stuttering mess.

"T-t-taki-takizawa-k-kun, I-I-I really l-li-like yo-u. P-p-please go out with m-m-me!" She shut her eyes tightly as she bowed down. She extended her arms out towards the older male and in her hands she held a small box.



The girl stood up at the sound of her name; her facial expression saddened at what she saw. Takizawa was bowing down at a perfect 90 degree angle. He straightened himself out and let out a soft sight.

"I'm flattered at your confession Sakura-san, but I have someone that I love, I'm sorry."


I changed the cover if you haven't noticed!
* moves eyebrows up and down *
I honestly really liked writing this one because I actually outlined it so I wasn't stuck or anything!! (((((:
Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time!


Up Next: Kirishima Ayato

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