Home Sweet Home

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Entering the grand hall he bid farewell to the Weasley twins and the golden trio, whom he had caught up with after Lupin had left him in the carriage. Harry had experienced the same thing with the dementors, except thankfully Lupin had been in their carriage to save him. It was a huge relief that Lupin had been there to help Harry, because who knew what his parents would do if Harry actually did die, and before the school year had even had a chance to unveil other dangers that lay in the 'safest school on earth'. He'd have to show Harry how to cast his own Patronus Charm.

Walking over to the Slytherin table he was met with disapproving eyes. He knew most of the house hated the fact that he spent time with the Gryffindors, and to be honest, he could understand the concern. The rest of the houses weren't extremely welcoming to them, in fact, most of them assumed that anyone placed in Slytherin was destined to be a bad witch or wizard, and the more deep-rooted hatred the house received from the rest of the school the more they ended up living to expectations. 

"Potter, I hear you and your brother ran into trouble on the train.." Flint smirked, sitting next to Malfoy and his little gang, all of them whispering amongst themselves.

"Potter, is it true you fainted?" Malfoy turned to ask his brother. 

"You two got a problem?" Elijah growled, eyes narrowing dangerously at the pair. 

"No." Malfoy swallowed, looking down at the table. Such a coward.

"You want to defend them so much, why don't you go join them?" Flint spat angrily at the younger boy.

"You want to test me, Flint, then go ahead," he said, the threat unlined with his tone. He cast a look at his brother and friends, making sure they were ok before turning back to Flint. Thankfully, his friends joined him just before the quidditch captain could retort.

"Each year we have to find you at the table and not on the train... Do you know how annoying it is to listen to Ezra explain his summer holidays twice?" A tall, red-haired boy chuckled, sliding next to Elijah.

"Bit rude, Felix, I thought you rather enjoyed hearing about my French girl." A curly-haired, blonde boy, teased as he sat opposite his friends. He was slightly shorter than them both, but he argued that he could still beat their arses if they made fun of him for it.

"Did you two ditch Jayden and Alix again?" Elijah asked, but as if on cue the two dark-haired twins approached the table

"No, they didn't ditch us." Alix hummed as she took the free space next to him, instantly resting her hair against his shoulder. "They would have died if they did." she smirked up at him. 

"This is very true." Elijah snickered, looking down at his friend's head on his shoulder, "I doubt they wanted to spend their first night in the hospital wing."

"Yeah, no thanks. Not after last year." Ezra exclaimed, "Took forever for my ears to stop twitching." He shivered at the memory, shaking his head.

"Shh, the sorting is about to start." Alix grinned, lifting her head to watch. 

All the boys rolled their eyes, it always took so long to get through the sorting, and all the poor first years looked so terrified. It almost seemed unfair to them, though everyone sat along the four long tables had once lived through their sorting. 

When the first years started dancing awkwardly on the stall, Elijah knew exactly why the twins had been late. The hall filled with hushed laughter as they got to the sixth first-year. He slowly turned his head to glare at the twins.

"Not again... McGonagall and Snape are going to think we're all in on it, and I don't want more detentions." he groaned, the others bursting into a fit of laughter. Every damn year. It was a tradition at this point for the twins to start their prank wars with the Weasley twins by getting the ball rolling with pranking the first years during the sorting. "I'm not being part of the blame this year." 

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