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As they entered the Great Hall Elijah sat at the Slytherin table, everyone was still in excitement over the fact that Viktor was going to be sat at one of their tables; eating with them, socialising with them.. It seemed to have each students eyes locked on the poor boy and his classmates.

The Beauxbatons sat at the Ravenclaw table, chatting away to the students politely. They still looked cold, and Elijah hoped they had packed more weather appropriate clothing for the rest of their stay.

Alix and the boys came and sat with Elijah, and before they could even start talking to one another Krum and the boys and girls from Durmstrang sat beside them, Krum sitting the other side of him to Alix.

"You're the older Potter brother?" Krum asked, looking to Elijah and holding out his hand for the boy to shake, "I'm Viktor Krum. My headmaster tells me you will be starting with the Vancouver Verdins this year?"

"I'm Elijah. Your headmaster is right, I start with them during the Christmas break." he replied, shaking the others hand. "This is Alix, Jay, Felix and Ezra." he told Krum, gesturing to his friends.

Viktor looked over the boys friends, giving a small nod in greeting before pulling his attention back on Elijah. "I assume you'll be entering the Tournament?" Viktor asked him.

Ezra snorted, shaking his head. "No, he wants an easy year this year."

Krum's head snapped up to Ezra, raising a brow at the reply before glancing back to Elijah. "so you aren't entering?"

"Not planning to, no." he said with a shrug. "But I am assuming you are?"

"Of course!" One of the boys behind Viktor said, patting Krum on the shoulder. "He is going to win the thing."

"But there are to be two champions from each school, don't you think the other student selected from your school stands a chance?" Alix asked.

"Of course they do, but we are certain Krum will win." One of the girls piped up.

"Well, I wish you all nothing but the best." Elijah smiled.

"I think you should consider entering. Would be good to have a challenge from someone outside of my school." Krum hummed, smiling down at Elijah.

"If he entered, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to win." Jay grinned, looking between both Victor and Elijah with a menacing glint in his eye.

"Then it is settled, you will enter." Viktor beamed, patting Elijahs back a little too hard.

Elijah glared at Jay, "That's not what I sa-"

"It's ok if you are scared," A redhead girl smirked from behind Krum.

"I'm not scared. I just don't feel like-"

"Losing?" Krum teased.

He opened his mouth to respond but thankfully the two Headmasters and the Headmistress entered the hall, making their way to the teachers table. The students from Beauxbatons all stood as they entered, earning a few snickers from other students, making their face pink in embarrassment but they still didn't sit down until their Headmistress did.

Dumbledore was the only one of the three to remain standing, which meant only one thing.. A speech.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and - most particularly- guests," Dumbledore greeted, beaming down at the foreign students. "I have great pleasure in welcoming you to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable."

One of the Beauxbatons girls still clutching her muffler around her head gave what was unmistakably a derisive laugh.

"The tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast," Dumbledore continued, "I now invite you all to eat, drink and make yourselves at home!"

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