All Is Fair In Love and War

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Elijah had been distant from his friends for weeks, focusing on quidditch, Sirius, and writing the revised essays on his chocolates for Snape. He was shutting himself off from his friends and Lucas to take focus on other things and he felt awful. If he was being honest, he felt a little stretched thin and today of all days was difficult; Slytherin had yet another match to train for this weekend and it was Valentines Day so he'd arranged an evening for him and Lucas, plus exams were around the corner, not that he was worried, about the theory side of things, but practically he need to work on a few things, but even when he did practice whether it be potions or charms, he found himself distracted by everything else. He'd also somehow found himself in a few more fights than he'd have preferred, the first was with a sixth year Slytherin who was talking poorly of Remus and his clothes, another was with a Gryffindor who had dug up the Black family tree and started spreading rumours like wild fire on Sirius and his family, and the other was just another Gryffindor wanting to get under his skin about him and his family.

He entered his dorm, quidditch robes soaked. It had been an early morning practice as they all had classes to get to. Getting showered and ready for the day, thankfully it was a study week this week, which meant they were all excused from classes to help prep for the mock exams at the end of the month. He made his way down to the common room, spotting his friends and slowly approaching them.

"If anyone would like to accompany me to the Three Broomsticks, my revision notes will be available as will I to help with any essays or outstanding homework." he murmured, it wasn't an apology but it was something.

"You could just say sorry." Alix said, raising a brow, only to be elbowed by Ezra.

"Shut up, I need his help with the Dark Arts essay." Ezra growled, offering Elijah a smile. "Apology accepted."

The boy chuckled, looking to his other friends who nodded, "Leave in ten minutes.. Butter Beers on me?"

Jay and Felix looked at each other before nodding, "Apology accepted, Potter." Felix hummed.

Elijah knew he'd have to do better for Alix, she wasn't as easily persuaded as the others, she was meant to be his best friend and he'd been a pretty shitty one lately. He'd make it up to her.

After the others got ready they started their walk to Hogsmeade, the other three boys going ahead to give Elijah and Alix some time to talk.

Stuffing his hands in his coat pockets he turned to the girl, "I'm sorry, Al. I've been an awful friend recently, and I could list off a long list of excuses, but there isn't one. I should have prioritised our friendship."

Alix was quiet for a minute, "I thought it was what I said about Sirius Black and the broomstick over Christmas.. We never really spoke about it afterwards, and you seemed distant from that moment." she murmured, walking beside him wrapped up tightly in a coat, hat and scarf.

Elijah thought back, he could understand why it would appear that way. "I know you were only looking out for me, Al.."

"But you jumped to his defence so quickly, like you knew for a fact that he wasn't going to harm you when he's now broken into the castle twice to threaten your brother." she sighed, rubbing her hands together to try and warm them up.

He had to think about his next words carefully, looking up to see how far ahead the boys were. "Al, I really do believe he isn't trying to hurt Harry or me, I just can't tell you how I know. Just call it a gut feeling." he said, looking away and down at the ground as they continued their walk. He didn't like lying to her, but if too many people knew then it would put Sirius in danger of being caught and it would be harder than it already was to keep it from Lupin and Lucas.

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