Tis' The Damn Season

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**No Angst Just Fluff**

Time passed quickly on the approach towards Christmas, and Elijah had been busier than ever; assignments, revision, quidditch practice and matches. Still, he managed to escape to the Shrieking Shack a few times to catch up with Sirius, bringing him food with each visit, if Sirius wasn't there when he arrived he'd leave the food on the steps for him when he'd return. He signed his name to stay at the castle for the holidays, despite all the invites he had from his friends and Lucas. Truth was, he liked spending Christmas at Hogwarts it was one of his favourite times at the castle. It was peaceful and picturesque, and the free time he got to explore the grounds and library helped him reset.

He walked into Lupins classroom after the last day of term, meeting Harry and Remus to help his brother master the Patronus spell, it had been a few weeks and it was frustrating Elijah that he hadn't got it yet, but he tried to be patient.

"What do you think of, Elijah?" Harry asked, obviously already having tried to cast the spell.

The older boy put his bag down on one of the desks and hopped up to sit beside it. "It changes. Used to be the first time I came to Hogwarts, when I first made the quidditch team, getting sorted into Slytherin and meeting my friends, first time I saw Lucas.. Now it's the first time Lucas and I kissed, my birthday this year.. I don't know, just.. little things that make me feel good." He explained, "What are you thinking of?"

"Well, the first time I rode a broomstick, getting sorted into Gryffindor, summers with mum and dad.."

"When are you the happiest? Pick a memory that warms your whole body and use that." he told his younger brother.

Lupin got the chest ready again, watching as Harry got back into place. 

"Got that memory ready?" Lupin asked, waiting for confirmation before lifting the lid to release the 'dementor' and stepping back for the youngest Potter cast his spell. 

When Harry fell back, Elijah cast his own, a large blue peregrine falcon swooping through the air and pushing the 'dementor' back into the chest. Once Remus locked the chest once more they both moved to sit either side of Harry on the steps. 

"I just don't understand how you do it.." The youngest Potter murmured, obviously disheartened by his own short comings. "What if I don't have a Patronus?"

"You do, everyone does. You just aren't focusing." Elijah said calmly, though he was tired and he didn't know how else to explain it which was causing him to become frustrated with himself too. 

"I am.."

"No, you're not, Harry." he sighed, turning to his brother. "You remember in your first year, when you got selected to play for Gryffindor?"

Harry nodded.

"Remember that night I got you to meet me by the statue in the courtyard after curfew, and I took you to the quidditch pitch, I stole the snitch from the quidditch store room and we practiced for hours? We watched the sunset on our brooms."

The young boy considered it for a minute, a small smile forming on his lips, "I remember." 

"Use that. Or the time we went camping, you and dad disappeared for hours and when you came back he was in a mood.. I know you beat him at catching the snitch. Use that. Or the first time you, Ron and Hermione narrowly escaped death by taking down a troll in the toilets. Use that. The first time you and mum tried baking and nearly blew up the kitchen. Use that." he listed, playfully nudging his brother. One thing about Elijah, he rarely misses things. He is good at watching and taking in the little things. "Stop overthinking it, I've got places to be." he teased, getting to his feet. 

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