Fake It

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It had been a few days once Rita Skeeters 'Tell All' piece on him, and though he tried not to let it show he'd glance at the front page every morning, anxiously waiting for his mothers interview. He didn't have to wait long.

He'd just finished morning Prefect duties with Amber and entered the Great Hall, all eyes fixed on him. He didn't need to study any further to know what had happened. Ignoring the whispers around him he sat beside Alix and the boys.

"How bad is it?" He asked quietly, looking to Alix for a response.

Alix chewed on her bottom lip, glancing to the boys before reaching out to take Elijah's hand, but he pulled away.

"Elijah you need to do an interview, she's going around talking to students, this smear campaign isn't going to stop.. She's with Harry right now."

"And his friends." Felix added. "She's been talking to Gryffindors in our year too."

Elijah let out a shaky breath, "Harry won't say anything bad.. Neither will his friends.." he murmured, but he knew that didn't matter no matter what was said she'd twist the words. He could literally feel his blood boil, but he knew that he couldn't react. He had to keep himself calm and composed, he had an audience of eyes watching him closely. Picking up the paper he read the headline.

'Boy-Who-Played-The-Victim. Heartbroken mother shares more about the troubled teens web of lies.'

He closed his eyes and hung his head, "I can't wait for this tournament to be over." He sighed, shaking his head. Carefully putting down the paper he got up from his seat, and started to head out the Hall when his exit was blocked by Challock, the Gryffindor boy he had trouble with last year.

"Can I help you?" Elijah muttered, glaring at the boy.

"Seems the truth is coming out... What is it you call yourself now? Lupin-Black?" Challock smirked, holding up the paper. "Loopy Lupin, the pathetic Dark Arts Professor we had last year? And Black.. The insane castaway pure blood? Seems like a perfect match for you."

Elijah drew in a deep breath knowing the boy was trying to get under his skin. If he reacted the way he wanted to he'd make a scene and it would just add fuel to the fire.

He stepped closer to the boy, "Always a pleasure to meet a fan, do you need me to sign that for you or would you prefer a picture?"

Challock ignored him and continued his own conversation. "Mummy and Daddy seem to be spilling all sorts of secrets, no? Would explain the misplaced anger last year, and the constant need to be better than everyone. Trying to make up for being the family disappointment. Trying to make up for all the times you fucked up."

Another step closer, "There was no misplaced anger last year, and I don't need to try to be better than you, I just am. Now, please, get out of my way." he growled, trying to brush past the other but Challock gripped his arm.

"How do you think they'll write this article?" The boy asked, trying to get Elijah to throw the first punch.

"Get off me." he growled, eyes burning into the Gryffindors.

"Hey! What is going on here?!" A voice called, the familiar sound of Moody's cane on the hard floors echoed around them. "Break it up. Mr Lupin-Black, with me."

Challock pulled away with a smug smirk, going to join his friends back at the Gryffindor table.

Elijah followed closely behind the other to his classroom. He didn't see why he was the one getting in trouble but at least he was out of the Hall without getting into a physical fight.

"I didn't touch him." Elijah told Moody, slumping into the seat opposite the Professor once they reached the desk.

"I know you didn't. I wanted to talk to you about these.." Moody placed down a copy of both his parents interviews.

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