Dark Mark

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Ireland won, of course, they did. And he did get his check from Lucius Malfoy before leaving the stadium.

Back in the tent though it was mayhem, with the Weasleys celebrating wildly, even Remus and Sirius seemed a little buzzed, but he wasn't sure if that was from the free bar or all the hype in the tent.

The twins sang merrily as they danced around the tent, and Ron daydreamed about Krum out loud, with his siblings mocking him playfully. Elijah could not help but stand back and take in the feeling the night brought. 

Outside, however, there were loud crashes and the sound of fireworks going off. Elijah furrowed his brows and moved to peer out the curtain, Arthur and James following close behind. The loud singing had come to a stop and turned to screams of terror. Elijah slipped back inside, grabbing his rucksack and wand. Before Arthur and James could even begin to tell the other children.

"Everyone stop," Elijah instructed loud enough for only the people in the tent to hear. "Grab your wands and coats." He said calmly, looking to his left to see his father and Mr Weasley coming back inside, sharing a look with the other adults.

"What's going on?" Percy asked, "The Irish getting too rough?"

"It's not the Irish." Arthur said, looking to Elijah who had moved back to the exit.

"Children stay close together and head towards the woods, don't stop unless one of the adults here tells you to." James instructed, looking at the golden trio.

Elijah could barely make it out there appeared to be a group of wizards marching, sticking close together with their wands held high in the air, hoods, and masks covering their faces as they moved throughout the grounds. Above them were four figures being contorted into grotesque shapes. It was as though the masked witches and wizards were puppeteering the poor souls.

More wizards joined the marching group, and they appeared to be laughing manically as they got closer, forcing tents out of their way, burning their path.

"We are going to help the Ministry, you guys start towards the woods." Arthur told them, following Bill, Charlie, and Percy. More ministry members coming from their tents to aid the cause. James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius followed closely behind.

Sirius turned back to Elijah and gripped his shoulders. "Please, don't do anything reckless and foolish. Just get yourself and your friends to safety. Promise me?"

Elijah rolled his eyes, "I promise, Sirius." He grumbled, earning a pat on his cheek before his godfather ran after his friends.

"Come on," Fred called, starting to run towards the woods with the others. Elijah threw a glance around the campsite to make sure no one he knew was left or hurt before catching up with the others.

Once they reached the trees they turned back, Elijah could see the Ministry members trying to break through the hooded figures to get the muggles down but they were hardly making a dent. He clutched his wand tightly, shaking his head, wishing he could be more useful.

They could hardly see a thing, and it appeared the twins had the same frustration he did as they all had their wands out and cast "Lumos." At the same time.

"Ron, why are you on the ground?" Ginny asked, looking at her brother.

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose did I?" He spat back, taking Harry's hand to get back to his feet.

Harry pat his pockets, "Guys, I think I dropped my wand.."

The other children all pulled out theirs lighting the ground to see if they could help Harry find it.

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