The Third Task

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He didn't return from the forest until breakfast, returning to the Great Hall fresh from a shower and starving after skipping lunch and dinner yesterday.

"There you are! Where've you been?" Alix exclaimed, looking up from the conversation she was having with Cedric.

"Get in trouble for skipping classes yesterday?" Ezra asked.

Elijah shook his head, sliding to sit with them. "No, it was fine.. Just needed to clear my head."

Alix stared at him, wanting to ask more but refraining whilst everyone else was around. She knew he'd deflect any questions whilst everyone was there, and she might never get the answers then.

"Clear your head? Not nervous about the task, are you?" Cedric asked, "You're at the top of the leaderboard."

Elijah shrugged, "Guess it's just the not knowing, can't prepare for everything though, I suppose." he sighed, reaching for one of the sausage sandwiches.

"Elijah.. Is there something you aren't telling us? Remember you promised to try improving on that this year." Felix murmured, frowning at his friend.

"Everything's fine, I promise. Just tired, nervous, and wanting these damn tasks to be over."

"Yeah, I guess. Still, mate, you don't seem yourself." Jay hummed gently, looking to his sister for help.

"We're just worried about you.. The lack of sleep, and meetings with Dumbledore.."

"Merlin.." he groaned, "Look, I appreciate the concern, I do, but I am fine." He tried to say it nicely, but it came out a lot sterner than he had intended. Deciding he had lost his appetite, he got up from the table. "I'm going to find Nik." he told them, mostly because he didn't want to be chased after.

Still, Alix caught up with him in the corridor, grabbing his arm to pull him to a stop. She looked angry, and if he was honest with himself he could understand why. He'd been asshole.

"Elijah.. You're going to tell me what's going on, and that's not a request." She said firmly.

The boy sighed, glancing around them to make sure they were alone. "Not here, Al.. It can't be here. I don't even know if I should-"

Could he trust her? Could he trust that she wasn't just taking any and all information to her parents? He stopped himself,, shaking his head. No, he couldn't do this. He couldn't start assuming the worst in the people he held close. If he was going to get through this he needed to trust other people. But right now, that was Alix and Nik. Not that he didn't trust the boys, or Lucas but they'd want to put a plan into action and until he knew exactly what was going on then he'd have to keep his already tight circle small.

"Come on." He murmured, leading the way out of the castle and down to the boat house.

"Why are we here?" Alix questioned when they finally came to a stop.

"Because no one uses this place until it's needed." He murmured, "Full privacy." He hummed, forcing the door open with a heavy shove, letting Alix in first before turning to make sure they weren't followed.

"That bad?"

"You have no idea." He groaned, watching as she sat on the edge of the wooden floor, legs dangling out over the water. He joined her, but said nothing else, instead, he stared down at his fingers, carefully adjusting his rings. He hoped the words and courage to say them would come quickly.

"Elijah, you can tell me. Whatever is going on, I'll do whatever you need."

"It's.. Al.. He's coming back."

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