Quidditch and Bed Rest

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Time was passing them by quickly, it felt like just yesterday when they had started back at school, the nice late summer and early autumn evenings had all but passed to be replaced with thunderstorms and heavy rainfall. Despite the weather, Elijah had made sure the quidditch team had been practicing at least three times a week in preparation for their 'friendly' game against Gryffindor today.

The boy had yet again found himself in another fight with Michael. This time it had been one on one, until Lucas had parted them. It wasn't the best way to start his day, and once again he sporting a black eye, he swore the boy did it to give the scouts a bad impression.

He sat with Lucas in the Great Hall, pushing his food around his plate but making no move to eat any of it. He was nervous, not only was there going to be scouts there today but also his parents were coming to support Gryffindor as they did every time Harry played.

"Eat, you need your strength for the game." Lucas instructed, pushing the others plate closer to him.

"What if.. I just don't play. Who wants to play quidditch for a career anyways." Potter hummed uneasily, he hated pregame nerves. He hated that he hadn't found a spell or potion to banish them from his life yet.

"You'll feel differently when you are out there, plus if you don't play, who will I get to cheer for?" Lucas smiled, he'd learnt by now to be patient with him when he was like this. He got in his head way too much whenever they played against Gryffindor.

Elijah rose a brow, "You are cheering for Slytherin? I thought most Hufflepuffs wanted Gryffindor to win?"

"Firstly, I'm not cheering for Slytherin I am cheering for you. Secondly, I am not most Hufflepuffs." Grey smirked, taking a sip of his coffee. "If you eat I'll wear Slytherin face paint.."

"And hoodie." Elijah countered.

Lucas rolled his eyes, "Fine, but I'll need to borrow yours."

"You can wear my hoodie, my emotional support Hufflepuff." he teased, tucking into his food eagerly now.

"Sometimes, I swear you are dramatic just so you can manipulate me into doing what you want.." Lucas laughed, watching the other now eating his food.

"Duh, I'm a Slytherin, Grey." he winked. Finishing his food he went through his rucksack, pulling out a neatly folded Slytherin hoodie and passing it over to the older boy. "I've got to go and get ready, but, I promise to win for ya." he grinned cheekily, getting up from the table, gesturing for Alix, Jay and Felix to follow. "Ezra, take care of Lucas in the Slytherin stands." he hummed to his friend, patting his shoulder as he walked out to go get ready for the match.

"You've got yourself a Hufflepuff boyfriend.." Alix teased, nudging the other as they walked out of the hall.

Elijah bit his bottom lip, a blush warming his cheeks. "Shut it, Al. We are just friends."

"Sure, keep telling yourself that as he wears your hoodie." she grinned, sticking her tongue out as she ran ahead to walk with the other girls on the team.

The crowds yells could be heard across the field and in the changing rooms where Elijah was giving a pre-game pep talk. "Ok, everyone I want a good game. We've got a lot to prove tonight. If we beat Gryffindor we are one step closer to the house cup. We are going to win tonight, fairly. No cheating, no dirty play."

"Basically he is saying we need to make him look good for the scouts who are out there tonight with all the parents." Alix piped up with a huge smirk, patting her captain on the shoulder.

"Don't make me regret asking you to be my second, Alix.." Elijah laughed, shaking his head, "But yes, there will be scouts out there tonight and they won't just be watching me.. So who's ready?" With a loud cheer they all made their way out of the changing rooms and into the rain.

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