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Elijah had been in the hospital wing for a few days, laying in bed bored out of his mind. He wanted to leave already and enjoy the rest of his time left at the castle. Laying in a bed, staring at the ceiling for most of the day wasn't the best way to pass the time but when he tried to read a book or focus on anything it just seemed impossible. He kept thinking back to Peters words, he was the key.. to what? Why did he know? What did he know?

Lucas, Alix, Jay, Felix and Ezra all visited though, mostly in the mornings right before class and straight after classes finished too. Sometimes it was one or two of them, others it was all five trying to squeeze around his bed. Each day Alix or Jay would bring him a muffin or some fruit from breakfast and a copy of The Daily Prophet so he could keep up to date with the beginnings of Sirius' case.

Lucas had pulled back a little since that night, and he seemed a little off with Elijah, but he hadn't had a chance to talk with him alone since to see what was on the others mind. He feared it had been the fact that it was another secret he'd kept from him, but Alix had assured him it wasn't and swore she had no idea what was going on either. It was something he'd have to find out himself.

"I still can't believe Professor Lupin is leaving.." Jay sighed as he entered the hospital wing that morning, walking alongside Felix. "He was the best Dark Arts Professor we've had to date."

"I know, but if the rumours are true-"

"Wait- Professor Lupin is leaving?" Elijah asked, sitting up in his bed, eyes wide. He didn't even register the words Felix had started to say, instead he got up from the bed and pulled on his shoes as he started moving towards the door.

"Elijah, where are you going?" Jay called after him, watching his friend run from the hospital wing, still limping and obviously trying to ignore the pain.

The Slytherin boy didn't stop until he reached the dark arts class room, walking in slowly since the door was already open. He knew Lupin had been avoiding visiting him and part of him knew it was probably because he was ashamed of hurting his godson, but another part of him thought it could be because he may have done something to fuck up their relationship. He didn't want to lose another parental figure. He couldn't.

"Elijah.." Lupin murmured, looking up at the boy from his desk, he was currently packing away books from the draws, "I saw you coming.." he smiled weakly, pointing to the map on the desk. "Shouldn't you be in the hospital wing? Madam Pomfrey told me you weren't due to be discharged for another few days."

"You're leaving?" Elijah panted, looking over at his godfather sadly, his hand clutching the side of his torso, it was where one of the deeper wounds were. "I- I didn't want you to leave without- well, I actually don't want you to leave at all."

Lupin smiled fondly at the boy, moving from around his desk to guide the boy to sit at one of the desks, pull in up a chair opposite him. "Elijah, what happened that night, I can't let it happen again."

"But, you didn't hurt me, Remus." he sighed, wincing as he sat down. "I got hurt chasing Peter, you-"

"I forgot to take my potion, I shouldn't have, things could have gone horribly wrong. Plus, word has got out among students, and it won't be long until a flurry of owls from parents start coming in demanding for my dismissal. This way, I've beaten them to it." The Professor explained.

He knew instantly that the person responsible for the rumour would be Snape, Harry and his two friends would have never breathed a word about it, werewolf or not he was the best Dark Arts Professor they had had yet, and he wasn't trying to actively kill Harry.

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