The Next Step

49 5 1

30th January 2018

Frankie jumping onto the bed after her morning walk with Ben wakes Brianna, "Morning," She yawns stretching out her legs before wrapping her arms around the beagle as she lies on top of her.

"Morning babe," Ben sifts through his wardrobe looking for a fresh shirt.

"You sad it's your last day on set?" January has moved so quickly that she can't believe they're at the end of the month already and it's Ben's last day on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody.

"A little. Don't get me wrong I love being on set but some cast feel special compared to others and this has been my favourite to be a part of," He sits on the bed puts his shoes on then looks over his shoulder at her playing with Frankie's ears, "Do you want to come to set?"

She sits up leaning against his back and kisses his cheek, "I thought you'd never ask."

"I didn't realise you wanted to come to set," He would have asked her beforehand if he knew, "Why didn't you say?"

"Because I didn't want to be pushy. I'll make some breakfast," She starts breakfast once she's dressed then speaks again when Ben comes in, "I'll need to go to my flat before we head to set so I can check my mail. I'm running out of clean clothes too but I can sort that later."

"You could make things easier if you moved in," Ben suggests ready for that next step, his mum had been right when she said he'd know when the time was right.

"Are you serious?" She frowns passing him his plate, it would make sense since she's at his flat more than her own.

"You practically live here anyway so why waste money on a place you don't use?" He'd like to hope that eventually they'll look to buy a place together but his place will work for the short term.

Her frown turns to a grin and she presses her lips to his in a loving kiss beyond ready for the next step in their relationship, "I'd love to move in."


Brianna is sitting on the sofa in the make-up trailer when Amelia enters with Gwilym. She joins her friend on the sofa, "You didn't say you were coming to set."

"Ben invited me along and I don't have work until later so..." She shrugs flashing a smile at Ben who returns it via the mirror as the hairdresser applies his hair extensions.

"That's a lie," Joe butts in finished in the chair dropping down next to Amelia, Gwilym takes his spot, "She's here to steal my Ben away from me."

"Think Rosie might have something to say about that," Brianna giggles playing along, she finds Joe and Ben's bromance quite funny and knows Rosie does too.

"No, no, no. Don't pull the wool over my eyes, I see what you're up to," He scowls playfully, "he's mine."

Amelia snorts, laughing with Brianna enjoying this banter. She's going to miss being on set with this goofy lot.

Leaving them to it Brianna and Amelia join Brian, Roger and John on the stage. When they move down into the box as filming starts Brianna finds herself standing next to Roger with Amelia on her other side talking to John, "I hope Ben has been treating you right?" Roger asks keeping his voice low.

"Sorry?" She frowns not getting what he means.

"You and Ben," He smirks, he heard all about their blossoming romance via Amelia.

He's known Brianna for 20 years since Amelia invited her home for one of the weekends in her first year at ArtsEd and he cares about her well-being the way he would any of his daughters or Amelia. Brianna is part of the Queen family and Amelia's best friend so while he approves of them together he feels responsible for making sure Ben is behaving and treating her right.

Brianna blushes, "He is. He's not the type I ever thought I'd end up with but I love him, he just asked me to move in with him so things are going well."

"Good but if he ever messes you about, you let Milly know and I'll set the dogs on him," He chuckles.

"Noted," She laughs. She stays for most of the morning before heading off to work.

Once Graham King has called a wrap on the film and everyone goes their separate ways to do what they need to do before they leave, Roger spots Ben talking to Amelia.

What caught his attention was the ring box Ben is holding.

When Ben walks away from Amelia he catches up to the blonde, "Ben!" Ben stops turning to the drummer and Roger continues, "I just wanted to thank you for working so hard for this role, I know that you lied about being able to play the drums in the beginning but Milly was right when she said you would work your socks off for this role and I'm glad I trusted her."

"I apologise if lying in the first place," It's something he regrets doing but then again it got him the role so he doesn't regret it entirely, "The only excuse I have is that I desperately wanted the role. Queen is iconic to me and to portray you in this film has been an honour. I appreciate everything you've taught me."

"Yes well, learning to play the drums to such a level in a short time frame is pretty impressive in itself. Now I pulled you aside for another reason, did I see you showing Milly a ring?" He smirks.

Ben blushes pulling the box from his pocket to show the drummer, "It's for Brianna."

"Joe was right when he said this film has become quite the match-making service," He takes the ring admiring it for a moment then hands it back, "When do you plan on popping the question?"

"Valentine's Day, I think. I just hope she says yes," They've not been together a full year yet but it just feels right and he doesn't want to wait.

"I doubt she would have agreed to move in if she wasn't serious about a future with you. Just promise me you won't hurt her, she's Milly's closest friend and you'd have her and myself on your back if you did. Look after her and make sure you ask her mum for her blessing. Carys is the only blood relative she has so her mother's blessing will be important to her."

"I promise," Ben nods making a mental note to message Carys to ask, he hadn't thought about that but Roger's right it will be important to Brianna.

"Good," Roger lets him go and goes back to the stage.

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