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"Mr and Mrs Jones," The couple are called from the waiting room and they follow the woman to the room.

Once the door is closed she introduces herself, "I'm Megan Thorn, I'll be your midwife during your pregnancy, Mrs Jones. Am I alright to call you both by your first names?"

"Please do," Brianna smiles, Megan is her midwife through an intimate experience if she can't call her by her first name who can?

"Excellent. I'm just going to go through a few formalities and ask a few questions then we can do the ultrasound," Once she has the information she needs, she gestures to the examination bed, "Brianna if you can hop up onto the bed, lift your top and roll the waistband of your trousers down. Ben if you want to bring the stall over."

They do as she instructed while she's getting the machine ready, Brianna lies back on the bed and Ben sits beside her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

He goes away tomorrow so he's hoping he'll be going away on good news and not leaving Brianna to suffer alone. They tried to get an earlier appointment but this was the earliest. She's been experiencing normal symptoms of early pregnancy, morning sickness and cravings so she's taking that as a good sign.

"Okay, I'm just going to squeeze some gel onto your lower stomach, might be a bit cold," She does just that and moves the ultrasound wand over Brianna's stomach, "I know you had some trouble getting pregnant, not unusual with polycystic ovaries but I can confirm you are pregnant."

"And there's a heartbeat?" Those have been her biggest concerns leading up to the appointment, was the test telling the truth and is their baby alive.

"Yes, a nice healthy heartbeat. Give me a moment to get the measurements I need and determine your due date then you can have a listen."

Ben kisses the back of Brianna's hand bringing her attention away from the midwife, they both share a silent look of relief and happiness.

"With the size of the fetus and the dates you've given me, I'd say your due date is the 30th of June 2020 putting you bang on 5 weeks pregnant," She turns the screen so they can see their baby, "The fetus looks mostly like a blob at the moment but you've got the head here and the body," She points out the areas, "Then as promised," She presses the button for them to hear the heartbeat.

The pair gasp, "So fast," Brianna comments on the speed of the heartbeat.

"That's perfectly normal at this early stage. At the next scan which will be at 8 weeks, the heartbeat will sound a touch slower and sound like a train. I'll print out a couple of pictures for you, if you'd like to sit up I just have a couple of things to go through before you go," She offers Brianna some tissue to wipe her stomach and hands the photos to Ben. "Since you have polycystic ovaries, you are automatically classed as a high-risk pregnancy."

That pulls Ben's attention away from admiring the scan photos, "What does that mean for the pregnancy?"

"It means Brianna will have more scans throughout, they're will be a couple of tests to rule out certain conditions and keep a closer eye on how things progress. I don't want you both to panic, a lot of it is precautionary but..."

"There's a higher chance of something going wrong," Brianna finishes Megan's sentence.

"Yes. Take this with you," She hands Brianna a leaflet, "This gives a list of foods to avoid, which we give to all expecting mothers and don't do too much. I don't want all of this to worry you, I've seen many high-risk pregnancies go by smoothly but I'd rather warn than leave you completely in the dark."

Brianna nodded, "I understand," She knew that her pregnancy would be high risk, but she got the feeling Megan was trying to assure Ben more than her.

Ben pulls Brianna to stop once they're by their car, he kisses her intently, "I love you. Just promise me you won't do too much while I'm away."

"I won't, I promise," She cups his cheek, "Now that it's confirmed I'll speak to Amber and Tessa when I go into work about them taking on some of my work, especially in the second half of pregnancy. But I'm not going to stop working, not until I need to." She kisses him and gets in the car.

Ben left for Canada the next day.


As Brianna has taken to doing most of the time Ben is away, she takes Frankie to the studio with her. Tessa and Amber love it when she's there and Frankie is never any trouble.

She tells the pair about the pregnancy to which both of them are delighted for her and Ben. They discuss gradually lightening Brianna's workload as she progresses through the months, eventually, Brianna will leave the studio in the hands of Amber and Tessa when she goes on maternity leave.

Ben's time in Canada flew by and before Brianna knew it, the 3rd of December arrives and she is at the airport to pick him up without Frankie this time.

Her emotions are all over the place at the moment so she can't stop herself running to him upon seeing him. Luckily he anticipated it so he catches her with ease, chuckling he returns her fierce grip.

Not giving any care to those around them, she kisses him intensely but he pulls back abruptly feeling something drip on his cheek. He frowns realising the drip is a tear, "Are you crying?"

"No," She groans hiding her face from him but he lifts her chin to wipe away the tears a slight smirk on his lips, "Shut up," She swats his chest, "I'm very hormonal at the moment and I missed you."

"Sorry," He grins cupping her face for another kiss, "I missed you too." He hides a snigger by taking her hand and heading for the airport car park.

Once they get home they catch up over dinner but Brianna saves her little surprise till bedtime.

"I never asked, how did the midwife appointment go yesterday?" He tried to come back a day early to be present for the appointment but a delay to his flight wrecked that plan. He listens to her tell about the details in between brushing her teeth while he gets changed for bed.

"Oh I have a scan photos," She rushes to her bag on the back of their bedroom door and pulls them out, handing them to Ben.

He smiles tracing the shape of their baby with his finger then puts them on his nightstand, "Also," She pulls his attention back to her and turns sideways showing the small bump that is starting to form.

To most people it would be mostly unnoticeable, looking like she'd just eaten too much but Ben knows her usual figure and certainly sees the difference now she's only in her underwear.

As he's done before, he kneels to kiss her bump, "Beautiful," He beams up at her, the feeling sets her skin on fire every time, "Now you said you've been feeling tired so bed," He orders and gets into bed too, "I love you."

"We love you too," She cuddles into him having missed his warmth in bed.

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