Baby Girl

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On the 1st of June lockdown was lifted and to Ben and Brianna's relief their baby girl hasn't come yet. Because of restrictions being lifted, they've received the news that Ben should be allowed in the room with Brianna as long as they don't go into another lockdown. There's hope that their family will be able to come a visit sooner than they originally thought but they're not getting their hopes up to high.

With that news and neither of them being able to go back to work because of how close they are to Brianna's due date, all they can do is wait for her to go into labour.

Two weeks passed and she's at the 38-week mark but because of her high-risk pregnancy, Megan agreed that she would be induced on Friday if she hadn't gone into labour by the end of the week.

"Brianna?" Ben calls out as he pushes the front door open, carrying the food shopping in. He was frustrated just sitting around so he went to shop to get some essentials so they don't have to worry once the baby is here.

Putting the bags in the kitchen he gets no reply and he searches the house for his wife, quickly realising that not only is she not there but neither is Frankie.

Coming back downstairs after checking their bedroom he spots the hook that usually has Frankie's lead on is empty.

He huffs in frustration and a little worry, he knows Frankie won't be any hassle for Brianna, as her pregnancy has gone on Frankie has become very gently around her but she shouldn't be going on long walks. She should be on bed rest but his wife is stubborn and refuses to lay in bed doing nothing.

While he's putting the shopping away Brianna comes home, letting Frankie off the lead once the front door is closed.

"You took her on a walk?" Ben exits the kitchen meeting her in the hall as she removes her jacket.

Brianna frowns, "Yeah, she always goes for a walk this time of day. Since you went food shopping, which I'm grateful for, I thought I'd take her. You know she's no bother and Megan suggested walking to help bring on labour."

"That's not what bothers me, it's the fact that you went on your own. What if you had gone into labour...?"

"It was a walk around the block Ben, not a full mountain hike!" She snaps at him. She's tired and frustrated, she wants her body back but more than anything she wants to start being a mum to their little girl.

"Sitting inside doing nothing is driving me insane because all I can do is think. I'm excited to meet her, of course I am but I'm utterly terrified too," Ben's face softens as she rants reaching over to try and calm her but she bats his hands away.

"Having time to think means I start to question the what-ifs. What if we get to the hospital and you can't be in the room with me? What if something goes wrong and I have to have a C-section? What if there are complications and we lose her and we never get the chance to have a child again? And worst of all, what if I have complications because of my polycystic ovaries and I bleed out leaving you alone to look after her? So many what ifs and I'm terrified of them coming true so yes I took Frankie on a walk to clear my head and... Ow!"

She grips his forearms, "Also the walk worked and I've started having contractions."

"I'm sorry," He apologises once the contraction passes, "Why didn't you talk to me about it?"

"Because I don't want any of it to come true. I can't do this without you, I need you in that room but I want you to promise me that if something should happen to me you'll look after and love our girl."

"Don't..." He doesn't want to think about that what if.

"Promise me," She warns him.

He nods, "I promise. Let's get the hospital bag and go. I'll ring Michael and get him to come be with Frankie."

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