Valentine's Day

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After agreeing to move into Ben's flat it quickly came to light that getting an entirely new place of their own would be the better option.

With that decision made, they spent two weeks leading up to Valentine's Day house hunting. A couple of days before they were at a second viewing a property when Ben got a call. Brianna continues the tour with the estate agent while he takes the call.

"Everything alright?" She asks when he rejoins them in the master bedroom.

"Yeah," He winks at her, "I'll tell you in a bit," He moves on to talk to the man about price and putting an offer in, it's their favourite house by far and he can see the three of them making a home.

Once they're back in the car she asks him about the call, "Was the call about that film role?" He auditioned for a role a couple of days ago.

He nods, "I got the role. Filming starts on the 30th of July."

"But?" She pushes knowing something is off, he's not excited about it.

"Filming would be five months going between Italy, Hungary and the USA."

She deflates a little at that but then perks herself back up, "This is your job, Ben, it's always going to involve filming away from home," He supports her so she will support him, "Whether that's travelling to and from set somewhere in the UK or filming aboard. If the plan is for us to settle down in the near future then enjoy the freedom of taking roles where that is an option. I know that if we do have children you'll want to be home and around to be a part of their growing up and then you'll have to be picky about the roles you choose. Do you want this role?"

He thinks about it for a moment, "Yes."

"Then you have your answer. I know that being in a relationship with you will mean that sometimes you'll be away filming and I can live with that as long as you come home at the end of it."

"There's no one else I'd rather come home to," He speaks in earnest.

He sends a reply to his agent accepting the role when they get home and then texts the Bohemian Rhapsody crew about his new role.

Now that filming is over the BoRhap boys plus Lucy, Allen and Amelia talk via the group chat Joe set up. They keep each other updated on life.

He types a quick message: Just accepted a new film role!

Joe is hot on his heels to reply: We only finished filming two weeks ago, Traitor!

Amelia: Congratulations Ben, what's the film?

Ben: Underground 6. Filming July to December in Italy, Hungary and America.

Gwilym: Does that mean you'll miss the Bohemian Rhapsody Tokyo press tour and the premiere?

He'd forgotten about that: I won't miss the premiere but I will miss to press tour.

Joe: Rude!


"You look nice," Amber compliments Brianna when she comes out of the dressing room having changed from the comfy work clothes she was wearing into something slightly nicer.

"Thank you, Amber, Ben's picking me up in a couple of minutes."

"Valentine's Day date is it?"

"That's what he said though I have no idea what he has planned," Ben just told her before leaving this morning that he'd meet her from work at 3pm.

Brianna's phone chimes with a text saying he's outside, "Have fun, I want to hear every detail tomorrow," Amber grins as the brunette leaves.

Exiting the building she expected to see his car but instead, he is stood waiting for her, "Afternoon," He grins, "Ready?"

"Where are we going?" She eyes him suspiciously.

He doesn't answer just offers his arm so she just rolls with whatever he has planned.

They take a taxi to the tower of London but he then walks them away from it until they end up at Dunstan in the East Church Garden.

"Why are we here?" It's her favourite place, a piece of old England in the middle of a concrete city, it's somewhere she visits if she needs a quiet place to think.

He shrugs sitting on one of the benches, "I know you love it here."

"Yeah but..." She sits with him unable to finish that sentence.

"I do have a reason why we're here..." He pauses as a guy walks through, Ben managed to pick a really quiet time of day so there's no one else there.

Ringing his hand nervously, "I know we haven't known each other that long, it hasn't even been a year yet but..." He pulls the ring box out of his pocket, "I'm hoping you're on the same page as me," and gets down on one knee in front of her. She gasps but encourages him to continue, "Brianna Macey, will you marry me?"

She's nodding before he even finishes the sentence tears sliding down her face, "Yes... yes, I'll marry you," She beams kissing him, "I love you and I'm absolutely on the same page."

He wipes her tears and then slides the ring on her finger, "It's beautiful," She admires the ring.

He wipes her tears and then slides the ring on her finger, "It's beautiful," She admires the ring

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Before he can say something a phone call interrupts the moment, "It's the estate agent."

"Ooo, answer it," She insists excitedly, "It will be about the house."

She stares at the ring while he takes the call, beaming and thinking about the future, moving her attention back to him as he hangs up, "What did he say?" She asks.

His grin widens, "They accepted our offer. We got the house!"

"Really?" She squeals as he picks her up in a hug making her giggle. They couldn't smile any bigger if they tried, he kisses her passionately keeping her in his hold.

But she reminds him they're in public before they take it further, "I think we should take this home," She suggests smirking.

Liking that idea, he puts her down, "Wait a sec," He pulls her back against him and takes a picture of them together showing her ring.

She kisses his cheek, "Send me that so I can send it to my mum and the girls."

It's not until later when they're both passed out in Ben's bed from taking their passion home, that he sends the picture with the message, She said yes, to the group chat, his family and Brianna's mum.

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