A Reunion

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The last chapter guys and it moves quickly.

Two weeks after meeting Erin, Joe and Rosie sent out a message wanting to Facetime everyone.

"So what's this news?" Lucy asks once everyone has joined.

"Rosie and I have an announcement to make," Joe grins excited to share it.

Rosie beams leaning into her husband's hold, "Yes, we're having a baby."

"I knew it," Amelia laughs.

"Congratulations," Ben says at the same time.

"How far along are you Rosie?" Brianna asks in the middle of feeding Erin.

"15 weeks. My due date is the 4th of February."

In September of 2020, Amelia and Gwilym announced Amelia is pregnant with their third and final child.

Brianna gets to go back to work and Ben takes his first film role in nearly a year, he had to be away for two weeks but it passed quickly. Autumn flew by but the 5th of November saw them enter a second lockdown till the 5th of December as cases rose again.

They celebrated Erin's first Christmas though not in the way they hoped. The original relaxation of the rules allowed for three households to meet for five days but it was cut down to one day. So while Angela, Keith and Michael got to join them for Erin's first Christmas, Cary's sadly had to miss it.

In the New Year, Brianna got COVID-19 and she had to isolated for ten days. Being away from Erin for that long was horrid, especially when there was only a door between her and her family. Thankfully she only had a mild case and recovered fairly quickly after.

At the beginning of February Rosie gave birth to a little boy on the 2nd of February, Joshua Joseph Mazzello and the 1st of March saw the birth of Thomas John Mercury-Lee.

Carys moved to London deciding that she'd missed enough of her granddaughter's life because of tighter restrictions in Wales so moved closer. In time Erin's first birthday on the 15th of June.

On the 19th of July 2021, all Covid restrictions in the UK have been lifted and a week after freedom is restored a reunion of sorts takes place at Roger's. He's got the biggest garden so he gladly offered.

Rami, Adam, Joe, Rosie and little Josh have come across from America. Arriving at Roger's, Roger hugs Ben and Brianna, "Good to see you again Roger."

"You too, she certainly takes after you Ben," Roger grins getting to hold Erin for the first time.

"That she does," Brianna laughs then goes off to talk to her friend. Erin has Brianna's soft features but she has Ben's blonde hair, blue eyes and his smile.

Ben takes Erin back and sits with Brian, Amelia, Adam and Roger, "So when does the next Queen tour start?" Amelia asks.

"If everything goes to plan, May 2022. We start in Manchester through to July finishing in Copenhagen," Brian informs. He's anxious to get back to work and travel again.

"You guys missed touring?" Ben wonders putting Erin down on the grass with her toys, "I know I've missed filming." He was thankful for those two weeks of filming last year despite being away from Brianna and Erin.

"I have," Adam beams, "Getting back to it will be a relief. Feels strange to have had so much time off."

"To play again in front of any audience will be great," Roger agrees. Queen music is all about the audience and not having fans there wouldn't feel right, "That's if they still come."

"Oh they will I'm sure, though someone might have something to say about her grandpa going away for three months," Taylor climbs down from Brian's lap to play with Erin, showing the one-year-old how to build a tower with the building blocks.

Brianna joins her husband looking around the garden with a smile at the family she's accumulated. The original Queen members, the Queen children and grandchildren, Adam, Brianna's friends and the BoRhap cast all tied together as a family. She looks down at her daughter and then at her husband, smiling when he meets her eyes, she couldn't ask for better.

Thank you to everyone for reading this story. I know it seems to have come to an end very quickly but I never intended for this to be a long story I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Thank you for all the votes, reads and comments.

The four Queen Daughter's book with Amelia, Alyssia, Alice and Liliana together is in the works but I think it will be the new year before I post any chapters. I need to accumulate some ideas and figure out where the storyline is going. Also, I'd love a few ideas on what to call the book or should I stick to The Four Queen Daughters?

There is a Queen Christmas special mini-book coming soon with the first chapter coming on in the week before Christmas.

Keep an eye out for that and I'll put an update on here when the first chapter is up and when the first chapter of the four daughter's book is up too.

Again thank you so much for reading xx

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