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March 2020

"What do you mean I can't go to the appointment?" Ben raises his voice after Brianna explains her phone conversation a few moments prior.

"The doctor's office has asked that only the patient come to their appointment no family or extras. This virus is spread through contact and they want to keep the amount of people in the doctors as small as possible. I'm sorry baby, they said it's fine for you to wait in the car outside but..."

The virus from China now named the Coronavirus or Covid 19 has spread worldwide, cases in the UK reaching over 200 and several deaths. Ben can't work and Brianna might have to close the studio if things keep getting worse.

"This virus is affecting everything," He sighs sitting with his head in his hands as she gets ready to leave, "I was just looking forward to seeing her again."

Megan confirmed at the 20-week scan last month their baby is a girl and she's going for a 26-week scan, due to all the complications to date they've agreed to monthly scans until the baby is born, "I'll make sure to get pictures, will you still drive me?"

"Of course I will," He stops pacing and looks at her realising she's just as disappointed by this news as he is. He cups her face leaning his forehead against hers, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice, it's not your fault."

"It's okay, I know you're disappointed but this virus is something no one has experienced so they're just doing what they're told to do. Come on or we'll be late," She scratches Frankie behind the ear before they go.


"So how did it go?" Ben asks her when she gets back in the car after the appointment.

She sighs taking off her mask, "She's fine, healthy and growing, heart beat is strong..."

"But?" He knows something is wrong because she won't look at him. She looks down at her bump rubbing a hand over it, tears slowly drip down her face, "Brianna?" He reaches over to squeeze her hand while he drives, "Did they find something wrong with her?"

"No," She cuts that idea out, "Sorry no that's not why I'm upset. With the virus, new restrictions have had to be put in place and at the hospital when I have her, you're not allowed in the room until I'm ready to push, you have to wait outside in the car park."

"What?!" He almost slams his foot on the brakes but continues driving, gripping the stirring wheel tightly.

"Megan gave me the full details. The NHS, paramedics, police and fire have been informed before everyone else so they can prepare but following Boris Johnson's announcement tomorrow, we will be in lockdown for 12 weeks. Only key workers will be allowed to go to work, if you can work from home then you can do that or you'll be on furlough. We can't leave the house except to go to the shop for essentials, doctors and emergency appointments, to walk pets if you have a dog and no visiting family, which means my mum, your family nor any of our friends will be able to come and meet her once she's born."

Ben pulls onto the drive and stops the car, "That has to be a joke, I can't be in the room with you while you're in labour?"

"Not until I'm ready to push," She confirms.

Angry Ben gets out of the car of storms into the house, Brianna wipes her face and then goes after him. He's in the living room, pacing, "Ben?"

"First we have to distance ourselves from friends and family," He starts ranting, "Next we have to stop working and now not only can our family not meet their first and potentially only grandchild from us but I can't be in the room to support my wife in labour! This is shit, this..."

He breaks sitting heavy on the sofa, face in his hands trying to hide his tears. She kneels in front of him and wraps her arms around his shoulders. She's not sure how she'll cope without him there to support her but more than anything she's annoyed he has to miss out on such a huge life-changing event for both of them. Especially when this is their only chance to experience it.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulls her onto his lap keeping his face against her neck. She pulls back a little to look at him, cupping his cheek. She doesn't see him cry often so seeing his eyes red from tears hurts her heart, "I'm sorry."

"Don't you apologise, I'm angry at the world right now but not you. This isn't your fault, I just..." He places a hand on her bump caressing it with his thumb, "Knowing that she will be our only child, I wanted to be a part of everything and I don't want you going through labour alone."

"If it wasn't a high-risk pregnancy I'd ask Megan about switching to a home birth but..."

"No, with everything that's happened, I want you where they can look after you and the baby should something go wrong," As annoyed as he is, he won't risk her life nor the baby's life.

Boris Johnson's announcement came the next night putting the UK in lockdown for the next 12 weeks.


May 2020

The beginning saw them seven weeks into lockdown and boy are they thankful to have Frankie giving them a reason to leave the house for long walks. They were both bored after a week of lockdown though it gave them time to make sure everything was ready for their little girl and decided to find a new hobby.

Brianna has found a great passion for baking while Ben has taken to gardening.

"Looks good," Ben admires Brianna's work on the Victoria Sponge Cake she is currently topping with strawberries when he comes in around lunchtime.

"Thanks," She smiles, "I've had enough of banana bread so I went for something a bit more ambitious."

"Just don't do too much, yeah. You're meant to be resting."

She huffs, "Apart from baking I do nothing but rest and since you won't let me take Frankie out alone at the moment, this is the only bit of me time I get to do to stop me going steer crazy."

"Okay," He holds his hands up in surrender, "What time is the Facetime party?"

Today is the 4th of May and Taylor's 1st birthday. Of course, they can't have a birthday party for her like Amelia and Gwilym wanted but they're having a big Facetime party instead.

"In about an hour. Go clean up if want while I make us some lunch," She shoos him away.

The Facetime party includes Joe and Rosie, Allen and Jessica, Brianna and Ben and Rami and Lucy. Sadly Rami and Lucy are apart during the pandemic and they can't travel to see each other but they Zoom and Facetime constantly.

Ben and Brianna are the first to join the Mercury-Lee family on Zoom, "Happy birthday Taylor," Ben grins pulling a party popper. Taylor claps and squeals in reply.

"How are you feeling Brie?" Amelia asks.

"I'm feeling alright though I don't think I'm going to last till 40 weeks. I don't think it's going to be much after 37 weeks, I just wish it could all happen normally," Brianna is now 32 weeks pregnant and they're still disappointed that Brianna's mum can't come over from Wales to be with her daughter, Ben's parents can't go round to see them and they can't see any of their friends.

Boris Johnson is looking to lift restrictions in July but their baby girl will already be a month old, this is a time that's meant to be happy and shared with family and they can't do that, "Well you know the moment we can we'll be round to see you if you're happy with that of course and hopefully they'll be a little one to meet."

"Oh you're more than welcome," Ben hates being cooped up in the house, but he doesn't want to risk Brianna getting the virus while pregnant, so he keeps going out to a minimum. The others eventually join the call and they chat for ages.

Just two chapters left.

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