Bohemian Rhapsody

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For a reason I don't know I never wrote Brianna and Rosie into the premiere chapter in Miss Mercury so that is why neither Rosie nor Brianna will attend the premiere in this chapter. Also, this chapter contains sensitive content related to polycystic ovaries.

While having polycystic ovarian syndrome affects Brianna's cycles and occasionally interrupts work when she has bad cramps, she's been lucky that it is they are the only symptoms she experiences. When they try for a baby in future it will have some effect on that, making it harder to conceive and making her high risk during pregnancy but her condition has never put her in the hospital like she knows other women have experienced, not since she first found out she has polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Three days before the Bohemian Rhapsody premiere Brianna wakes up in the early hours of the morning with a bit of pain. She gets up to go to the bathroom she notices a little blood so puts it down to starting her period, applies a pad and takes some painkillers before getting back into bed.

"You alright?" Ben mumbles half asleep. She nods muttering about her cycle and lies down. He tells her to face away from him then pulls her back against him, his warm hand over her lower stomach.

Also sensing her pain Frankie moves from the end of the bed and curls up beside her stomach. Despite the pain, Brianna smiles lightly as she drifts back to sleep feeling warm and very loved.

Her pain is gone by morning but as the day goes on it slowly comes back getting worse in the afternoon.

Ben tries to comfort her by cuddling up with her on the sofa, getting her painkillers and changing her hot water bottle frequently.

"Do you want anything to eat, babe?" He asks getting up to make them some dinner, she barely ate anything at lunch so she must be starving by now.

"No," She whimpers tears slipping from her eyes.

He's never seen her cry because of her condition before, she's had bad cramps before but not this bad. He kneels in front of her wiping the tears from her face, "This isn't right Brie, let me take you to the hospital?"

"No, I think it's a ruptured cyst. I've had it once before years ago they hurt bad but they're not a reason to go to the hospital even my doctor said that when I first had one. Go make yourself some dinner, don't starve yourself just because I'm not hungry," He's stayed beside her all day.

"Shout if you need me," He kisses her forehead and goes to the kitchen to make a sandwich.

While he's in there Frankie rushes in whining and crying, circling his legs as if trying to move him back to the living room, "What is it, girl?" He frowns picking up his plate and heading back through.

Re-entering the living room his eyes widen as Brianna has passed out, sick on the floor.

Ditching his plate on the table he rushes to Brianna's side, "Brie?" He shakes her shoulder. No response.

He checks her pulse which is rapid and looks up at Frankie's crying. The beagle pulls her blanket off Brianna revealing a large amount of blood between her legs, "Shit, Brianna! Screw it."

He picks her up bridal style and carries her to the car, strapping her in, he makes sure he has his phone and drives to the hospital knowing it will be quicker than waiting for an ambulance.

His concentration continuously shifts from the road to his fiancé. Pulling into the first space he finds, he gets her out of the car and races into A&E, "Can I get some help please?!" He shouts bursting into the waiting area.

Attention immediately turns to the pair, nurses and a doctor are there to help in moments, she's put onto a bed and wheeled through to a cubicle as Ben explains what's happened, "How long has this rash been here?" A nurse points out a rash on her stomach as they check her over.

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