Chapter 2 - Preparation

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Chapter 2

*2 days before the concert*

I woke up early, and I was shocked that I woke up so early. It's only 5:00 in the morning. I mean, I always wake up at 6 or 6:30 am but this is new. Am I changing? Or maybe I am too excited for the upcoming concert. I was feeling bored in my bed so I decided to go downstairs.

"Look who's waking up early today," mom suddenly said, making me surprised.
"Mom, don't scare me like that," I said.
"Sorry. But, would you mind telling me about what you ate, making you wake up so early?"
"Nope, I haven't ate anything except your dish,"
"Really? Well then… Or, is it about that concert?"
"What? What concert?" I lied.
"You can't fool me, dear. I'm your mother and I can tell it when you're lying," she said, making me feel disappointed.
"Okay. It really is about the concert," I said and sighed in disbelief.
"I really can't wait for it. I've got all my things prepared, all I am waiting for is the day to come," I added.
"Aw, it's so sad to hear that my daughter will be busy this weekend. Anyways, I'll continue talking to you later, I have to cook breakfast for us," she said, heading to the kitchen.

I went out of our house, sitting on the bench near our garden. I am enjoying the soft breeze of the wind and clearing all my thoughts. I just wonder how the concert will turn out. After half an hour spacing out, I went back inside and prepared for school.

*Five hours later, at school*

I am sitting on my chair, boredly waiting for our professor for History. He usually comes early but today, he still hasn't shown up yet. I am just playing with my pen, killing the time. That's it, I'm totally bored. I decided to take a nap since the professor isn't here yet, but as I was about to lay my head down, I suddenly remembered that the concert is fast approaching and today is Thursday! I hurriedly took my phone from the bag and went to check on my checklist. In case you are wondering what the checklist is for, it's about my preparation for the concert. I mean, I should be aware of how ready I am to attend that event because if due to my overexcitement, I forget to bring some things that are needed, or worse, what if I forget to bring the concert ticket. I scrolled down and saw that I already prepared my necessities. I then opened my Instagram to see the latest feed.

Not so long after, the professor came in. Me and my classmates were shocked to see our professor being late for half an hour. Well, we're also happy that the time for History class is shortened. The lesson started and as usual, it was so boring. I looked at my classmates and only a few of them were actively listening to our professor, while some were talking to each other and some even slept.

* Time Skip: Lunch *

As I was eating alone at the table, Trisha approached me and decided to eat with me.

“Hey, why are you eating alone?” she asked,
“I just-” before letting me continue, she spoke,
“Are you excited?” I nodded.
“Okay, I got it. It is still the day after tomorrow, so take it easy.”
“How am I supposed to take it easy?”
“Hmm, I… Nevermind. Let’s eat,” she said and we continued eating.

William’s POV

Dripping sweats, dry throats, numb bodies, that’s just some of the things we felt after such tiring practices for our upcoming concert. I sat on the couch right near the mirror of our dance practice room. I am currently holding a bottle of water while scrolling through my phone. I opened the post in our Instagram about our upcoming concert, I sighed as I kept on staring at the entire post while having deep thoughts. I shrugged off those thoughts, thinking that it is what an idol does and since I'm an idol, it is normal for me to experience this kind of stress and tiredness. After all, this will be our "comeback concert" after our 1 year break. And, I'm pretty sure that our fans are eagerly waiting for us to come back and perform on stage, so we are doing our best to provide them with a good quality of a concert.

1 day and only a few hours left 'till our concert. Me and my co-members are hoping that this will turn out great and our fans will love it. Our staff informed us that they already had the venue getting prepared for and that everything's going to be alright. All we have to do is to keep on practicing because the day is coming. I was feeling so tired that I called my manager and asked if I could go back to our dorm. He decided to call it a day and let me go home.

I went to my room and saw the bathroom lights already on. I guess Ace is already home and is currently taking a shower. My manager then bid goodbye to me and left. I sat down on the sofa waiting for Ace to finish. Gosh, why is he so slow?

After a while, Ace came out of the shower, wearing only his sweatpants. "What took you so long to take a shower? I thought you're never going out of there," I said, making him laugh. "Sorry, bro. The water is so cold, and I kind of enjoyed it," he said and went to his bed to get his shirt. I then went inside the bathroom. I turned on the shower and started to calm myself. I took not much longer time showering and immediately went out to dry my hair. Ace turned on the speaker and played my all-time favorite song, 'What Makes You Beautiful' by One Direction.

"Hey, are you hungry?" I asked Ace, he shook his head.
"Oh, anyways, we should be ready for tomorrow," I asked him.
"What for?"
"Of course, for the rehearsal"
"Oh yeah, got it!"
"I can't wait to meet our fans," he said while looking at our group picture that is hanging right in front of our beds.
"I can't wait to perform for them," I said.
"Well, I guess we should rest. Tomorrow will be such a busy day."
"Okay, goodnight!"

Both of us tucked up in our beds and drifted off to sleep.

Mia's POV

I woke up as a few sun rays lit up in my eyes. "Ugh, what time is it?" I lazily opened my phone and it said '7:40 am'. I hurriedly got out of bed, thinking I was late. I came running down to the table to eat breakfast when my mom caught up with me.

"I guess you're oversleeping, huh? What did you do last night?" She asked, making me in shock.
"Mom? Why aren't you doing something? I am already late," I said. She then laughed and I was stunned to see her reaction.
"What? Why are you laughing?"
"Oh, dear. Your professor just texted that he will be busy for today due to a seminar, so he said that you will just stay at home for this whole day," I sighed in relief as mom finished her sentence. It's so good to take a break.

After eating my breakfast, I then went back to my room and opened my computer. I went to YouTube and searched for my favorite WAVE's song, 'Without You'.

I hope this isn't a goodbye
Will miss your smiles all the time
I know you gotta go away and leave

We've been together for so long
Our bond and friendship's already strong
But time goes on and we have to part our ways

Without you, the stars won't shine as bright
Without you, things won't feel so right
It's so true, when when you leave away
Without you, I won't feel the same~

I really can relate well with this song. I had a friend back then, we were so close and inseparable. We even treated each other as sisters, but one time came… she left me. Their family moved away and I expected her to still keep in touch with me, but she didn't. Everytime I hear this song, flashbacks of our memories appear in my mind.

*Time Skip: Dinner*

"Come down, Mia! Dinner's already prepared" I immediately closed my computer and went downstairs.
"Coming, mom!"
I sat down, enjoying the beautiful aroma of the ramen noodles made by mom. I started digging in.
"Tomorrow is it right, dear?"
"WAVE's Concert?"
"Oh, yeah. I can't wait"
"Well, you have to sleep early. You'll have to save your energy. I heard that they're also going to have a fansigning the day after the concert," Mom said, winking at me. I widened my eyes.



Author's note:
How was it? I'm so sorry for such a delay of upload. I was preparing for the exams and I got sick. I hope you'll still enjoy this story. Will post other chapters soon!

𝓑𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now