Chapter 7 - Unexpected encounter

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Chapter 7

Mia’s POV

Feeling my stomach growling out of hunger, I woke up and got out of bed. I immediately went to the kitchen and cooked food. I went to open the refrigerator, and found vegetables which I could use to cook. I decided to prepare a vegetable salad with shrimp. I then washed and cut all the vegetables and prepared the ingredients. In a bowl, I placed the lettuce as the base, then added the sliced vegetables; cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, peas, green onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, chili peppers, and onions, and mixed the vegetables thoroughly with mayonnaise and peppers. After setting up the plates and the food on the table, I then called grandma and Leila for dinner. A while later, they both went to the dining table to eat dinner with me.

After such a warm dinner, we then stroked our tummies as we were full. Feeling tired of sitting, I washed all the emptied plates along with the used utensils, while Leila wiped the table as it was dirty. Done with the chores, I sighed and went outside the house to feel the cold breeze. The breeze was touching my skin, making me shiver, but I didn’t mind it as I was busy looking at the night sky.

Looking at the beautiful night sky, I remembered the olden days where we usually sat on the ground while watching different stars in the sky. I let my memories flash like a river. Remembering all the silliness we used to be back then, I suddenly chuckled. I recalled how Ace and Leila attempted to prank me but they got caught on their own prank instead.


They dug a hole in the farm and covered it with leaves to make it look natural. But little did they know, I was hiding behind a tree and sneaked to what they were doing. Sometime after that, I decided to prank them instead. I scattered all the leaves that are covered in the hole and watered the ground a bit, to make it slippery enough and to make them think that I really fell for their prank. I then hid behind the nearest tree and started the prank.

“HELP! HELP! HELP!” I shouted loud enough for them to hear. Soon after that, I heard footsteps. Feeling the urge to chuckle, I refrained myself from doing it. I watched them as they walked towards the hole when suddenly, BOOM, they lost their balance and slipped towards the hole. I burst out laughing and showed up in front of them. I acted scared as they both glared at me. I could hear them curse under their breaths, while I just laughed at their state. I offered them a hand and they gladly accepted it.

“Looks like you’ve been caught on your own prank? Better luck next time,” I said, teasing them. They joined me in laughing and we all went back to grandma’s house for them to get cleaned up.

“What happened to them?” grandma asked me as she looked at them.
“Let's just say, they got caught in their own prank,” I said while smirking.
Leila and Ace then looked at me and glared.


Laughing alone under the cold breeze of December, I shivered as I was shocked when Leila suddenly came, cutting off my thoughts.

“Hey, what are you doing out on this cold night?” she asked me.
“Oh, it's nothing. I'm just remembering the old days,” I said and smiled at her.
“Yeah right, I missed our bonding moments back then,” she said.

After some time, we headed back inside the house and went to our bedrooms. I have to sleep so that I can go home early tomorrow. I can't wait for the fan meeting. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, yet WAVE is holding a fan meeting. It would be one of the best days of my life.

I opened my phone and set the alarm to 3 am as I will still pack my things and prepare myself. In no time, I drifted off to Dreamland.

Time Skip : December 24, 3 am

I woke up as the alarm rang. I stretched my arms as I got out of bed. After having 6 hours of sleep, I still feel tired, but not much. I prepared my things and made sure all of it was inside my bag, then, I took a shower and applied my skin care products. After over 30 minutes of preparing myself, I was ready to go. I got out of my bedroom and locked it. It is currently 3:30 am, yet I saw grandma doing her habit, which is drinking coffee at this hour. I hugged my grandma and told her that I will be going home now. I promised her to come back soon.

As I was hugging grandma, I saw Leila getting out of her bedroom. I guess she needs to go to the bathroom as she usually woke up at this hours a long time ago. I waited for her until she left the bathroom. She ran to hug me tight and I hugged her back. I'm going to miss them both. I bid my farewell to the both of them and said, “Leila, please take care of yourself and grandma well. I promise to come back anytime soon. I'm going to miss you both.”

After that, I went outside to walk up to the main street. There, I hailed a taxi going to the nearest bus terminal. It is currently 4:05 am as I arrived at the terminal. I paid the taxi fare and immediately bought a ticket. I went inside the bus, and as soon as I got there, I sat at the empty seat at the back. I tugged in my earphones and started listening to music. After a while of waiting, the bus finally started moving. I slept on the way as I thought it would be better to save some energy for later.

Time Skip : almost 11 am

I got out of the bus in the bus stop near the town square. As I walked past the shops, I took my phone to check it. As I was scrolling down my phone, I suddenly bumped into someone. My phone fell off the ground as well as his book. He was in a hurry, so he only said sorry and quickly walked away. I then picked up my phone, luckily it wasn't damaged. I was about to go, when I suddenly saw a Business card that fell off the ground. I realized that it belongs to the one I bumped into. As I picked up the card, I read the person's name.

Ace Carter
XXX Entertainment

I was shocked when I read the name. No, it can't be! Ace Carter? The leader of the group WAVE? I looked at the image in the card. I scanned his face and it looks somewhat familiar.

Ace is also the name of my childhood friend but I forgot their surname. I immediately opened my phone and searched for our childhood photo. I matched their pictures and they looked alike!

Could it be? Could Ace Carter be my childhood friend? I then opened my Messenger and asked Leila about our friend's surname. After some time of waiting, she replied. I blinked my eyes as I couldn't believe what she just replied. It said; ‘As far as I can remember, it's Carter

Reading her reply, I almost dropped my phone in pure shockness. I-Is it really true? The childhood friend that me and Leila had was the leader of WAVE?


How was this chapter? I hope you like it! Stay tuned for the upcoming chapters. Those chapters will be posted soon!

Merry Christmas, everyone! May you enjoy such a special day as it comes only once a year. God Bless!

𝓑𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now