Chapter 13 - Cousin

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Chapter 13

Mia's POV

I started my morning with my usual routine. As I walked out of the bathroom, I immediately went to the closet to wear my school uniform. I am still dozing off as I did not get enough sleep since I watched a Japanese movie until midnight. My head hurts, indicating that I need more time to sleep. But what can I do? It's already morning and it's only an hour before our class starts.

Yawning, I went down the stairs to go to the dining area. I already had my school bag with me as I went downstairs. As I arrived at the dining area, I saw my mom preparing breakfast on the table so I ran to help her. After we finished arranging the dishes, plates and utensils, me and mom started digging in. Mom noticed that I was feeling exhausted so she gave me a vitamin to take. After taking the vitamin, I bid farewell to mom and went outside to hail a cab to school.

I looked at my watch and I noticed that there is still 30 minutes before the class starts. Though my house is not that far from the school, the only problem is the traffic. It will just be out of luck if I don't get caught in a traffic jam. Well speaking of luck, I didn't get stuck in one. I arrived at my school exactly 10 minutes before the school bell rang. It took me five minutes before I arrived at my classroom.

I sat down on my chair immediately after I arrived at the classroom. I saw Trisha waving at me and I waved back and smiled at her. The class started as usual; the professor is talking in front and the students are listening. Many students find it boring, including me too, but in other subjects, I love the lessons especially if the professor is nice.


Half of the day and I made it through. Trisha and I are sitting at the seat in the school cafeteria. We already ordered our food and we started eating it. We chatted and chatted while eating our food. We then turned quiet when we saw a bunch of people looking, discussing and crowding over a student. Jeez, being popular is so damn hard. How can they handle their fans when they're at the same university? I just laughed it out and turned to Trisha to continue our discussion.

While we were talking, I kept on stealing glances towards the boy. He does look like someone I know, but I kept on thinking who it was. It is still 30 minutes before the lunch break ends so I still have time to figure out who he looks like. Now it came to me, he's William's cousin! I remembered the exact words that William said yesterday. He said that he has a cousin who goes to the same university as me, so could it be his cousin? No wonder he is so popular. Aside from his charming looks, there's no doubt that the others already know about his connection with William.

I continue to steal glances at that boy. I have never heard of his name before and I don't want to know either. That's when I realized that maybe he noticed me glancing at him when he looked at me, making me freeze in where I am sitting. Feeling shy and bothered, I broke our eye contact and looked away. Boy he looked hot, but I'm not falling for it.

We fixed our things before we headed back to our classroom. It is currently 7 minutes before our lunch break ends and luckily we are already inside our room. Our class started a few minutes after we arrived at the room.


Finally, our last subject for today. Since it is Physical Education, we are now wearing our PE uniforms for the activity. Our professor told us that there would be a dance competition wherein sections will compete against each other. It will also be part of our university's founding anniversary. Today, we are tasked to have our practice as a section. After giving the task, the professor left us as he had a meeting to attend right now.

As the professor left, we started planning and practicing on what we are going to dance. We kept on practicing until the time for the last subject ended. We all packed our things and started cleaning our room.


Me and Trisha walked side-by-side along the long way on our campus. We are happily vibing in the wind that brushes our hair as we walk together. Everything went fine until someone bumped into me while running. "Hey!" I called out to that person, who turns out to be a boy. He didn't apologize and continued to run. "Rude!" I shouted but that didn't stop him from running.

As we got near the gate, I saw that boy standing outside. I removed one of my shoes and was about to hit that boy with it when suddenly two familiar faces appeared and went near that boy. I didn't hit the boy as I recognized the two guys. It was William and Ace.

I was totally stunned when I saw both of them approach the guy who bumped into me. Well, as I get a clear view of that guy's face, he turns out to be William's cousin. I seriously wanted to hit that guy with my shoe, but nevermind.

I was about to leave when someone called me. "Mia?" I turned around to face that person, it was Ace. I bowed to them and waved. Ace went near me and I was shocked when he bent down. Gosh, he tied my shoelace. When he was done, he stood up.

"So, you went to study in this university?" asked Ace.
"Mmm," I nodded.
"What are you doing here, by the way?" I asked him.
"Well... we are here to fetch William's cousin," he scratched his head as he answered my question.
"Oooh," is all I could ever reply to him.

"I guess you already met my cousin?"


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𝓑𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now