Chapter 5 - Long Bus Ride

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Chapter 5

Mia's POV:

While chilling inside the cafeteria at lunch, I suddenly saw an Instagram post. As I looked at the photo, I noticed that it was a poster. A poster about… WAVE's fan meeting? Feeling super happy and excited, I suddenly stood up and jumped happily, making the other students look at me like crazy. I could clearly see the shock and disgust in their eyes, but hell I ignored them. As I sat down, minding my business, I saw my best friend Trisha walk towards me.

"Hey, what's wrong?," she asked me.
"Oh, it's nothing. I just saw the fan meeting poster of WAVE," I replied
"Well, I guess you won't miss it? I heard from the other students that it will be on Saturday," she said
"Oh yeah, I won't," I replied again and we then finished lunch and headed back to our room.

*Few hours later at home*
*At Dinner*

"Mom, guess what?" I asked her and she looked at me confused.
"What?" She replied, dumbfounded.
"WAVE is going to have a fan meeting this Saturday!" I exclaimed.
"Oh! So, you are going?"
"Of course, mom. I wouldn't miss it," I said happily.
"Also, you are not the only one who's going out on Saturday."
"My friends invited me on a weekend getaway this Friday. So that means I'll not be at home for 3 days. Take care dear," she said.
"Okay mom, take care!" I said and hugged her.

I went upstairs and went to my bedroom. Feeling bored, I decided to do my skincare routine. While applying the skincare products, I turned on my computer to watch a K-drama. Tugging my hair up, I watched a scene from the drama, where the lead actors are having a date at an amusement park. I paused the video for a while as I imagined how great it would be to have a date with someone at an amusement park. To be honest, I haven't been in one but I wouldn't love to try going to, with my special someone. As time passed by, I yawned loudly, feeling tired. The episode I was watching already came to an end. I switched off my computer, and sat down on my bed. While my thoughts were talking deeply, my eyes slowly shut as tiredness eats me.

Time Skip: Friday

I woke up early in bed. We don't have any classes today since it's a holiday, so I'm free to do whatever I feel like doing. I'm still feeling tired as I slept too late last night, yet I woke up too early today. I have forgotten that I am going to visit my grandma on the farm. I yawned all my tiredness out. Slowly standing up, I felt that my body didn't want to leave the bed, it felt like I'm being glued to the bed. After a few minutes of trying to stand up, I finally did. I stretched my arms as I walked towards the bathroom.

I went to the bathroom closet to get my facial stuff and my toothbrush. I then placed those on the sink, while I placed my towel on the rack and I started showering. After a while, I left the bathroom as I was done doing my facial skin care and brushing my teeth. I am wearing a bathrobe and I walked to my cabinet to choose some outfits. I finally finished choosing an outfit after so much time. I wore a jumper with a red long-sleeves. I totally looked like a farmer with this outfit.

After dressing up, I packed my bag with all the necessary things I needed. Then, I went downstairs to have breakfast. Since mom isn't here, I decided to cook instant noodles. I still feel exhausted after having a lack of sleep. I guess I should sleep on my way to the farm. After eating, I then ensured that the house was safe from any harm. I also checked whether I brought all my necessities with me or maybe I forgot some things. After making sure that I was ready, I then went to the nearest bus terminal.

I arrived at the terminal and paid for the taxi. I then went to find the bus which is going to the province my grandma is living in. I found it! I went inside and paid for the ticket. I sat on the back portion of the bus. I actually prefer sitting at the back, since I feel sleepy and it helps me get a better sleep as not so many people will get off the bus near this town. I sat down near the window as I loved watching the view of the roads and it helped me fall asleep. I then tugged on my earphones and played relaxing music.

Analyzing the time before I arrived in the province, I thought that I would get enough sleep. I estimated about approximately 7 hours of long bus ride before I arrived there. Looking at the peaceful view of the mountains while listening to this relaxing music, my eyes shut and led me to Dreamland.

Feeling hungry, I woke up from my slumber. I opened my bag to get a pack of sliced sandwiches. I ate it to my heart's content. I then drank water so my stomach could digest the food properly. I looked out the window and realized that the province is already near. I then arranged my bag and stuff well and got ready.

Finally, the bus arrived at the terminal in the province and I immediately got down. I brought food from the terminal to give it to my grandma. After buying a lot of food, I looked for a vehicle which I could ride on my way to grandma's place. Luckily, I found one and rode it. I arrived at my grandma's farm and I paid for the fare. My eyes wandered at the place, it still looks like what it was before. Nothing had changed. A lot of memories of me being here when I was still a kid keeps on flashing in my mind. As I entered my grandma's house, I was shocked by what I saw.


Boring chapter? Well guess what? It will unlock a backstory, you never knew it existed! Stay tuned for more chapters! Hope you like it!

𝓑𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now