Chapter 12 - Friends

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Chapter 12

Mia's POV

After such a tiring day at school, I decided to stop by at the nearest cafe. As I entered the cafe, I ordered food as I was hungry. There's not many customers here, so the line is not quite long. As I was done ordering, I took the tray of food with me. After a few seconds of looking for a perfect spot to settle down, I finally found one.

I sat down on the empty seat near the glass window. I chose this spot as I can clearly see what's happening outside the cafeteria. In no time, I started eating and feeling the tastiness of the food.

As I was busy drinking a matcha latte, I saw one customer with a cap approach me while holding his tray of food. “Mia!” He said.

I was shocked when he placed his tray on my table and removed his cap. I was completely stunned. In front of me, William Hopper, is standing and talking to me. “May I join you?” He asked, making me shrug off my thoughts.

“Sure,” I said shyly. I can't believe it. Is this just a dream? Am I being too delusional?
William waved his hand right in front of my eyes and asked, “Hey, are you okay?” I came back to reality when he snapped his fingers. “Sorry, I was just spacing out,” I said in an embarrassed tone.

Him in front of me is something I could die for. What a coincidence! As I continued to sip my drink, I saw him start eating. I was completely lost in his heart-shaped lips. I looked at how it took the sandwich in a heartful bite. I tried going back to reality but I couldn't help it. He is my bias and my first love, although he doesn't like me back.

I almost choked in my drink when he suddenly spoke. “I heard that you and Ace are childhood friends?” He asked while looking at me. “Yeah, we've been away from each other for years and I almost didn't recognize him when we met,” I said looking away. I really couldn't understand what I am feeling right now. I feel my cheeks burning up. I should let him see it.

I tried to avoid his gaze. “Since you are friends, that makes us friends too, right?” he asked while he caressed his hair. I gulped seeing the beautiful view in front of me. I am speechless. But I shouldn't let him know that I am crazy in love with him. “Sure,” I replied to him with a warm smile.

I was surprised when he handed me his phone. “Now that we are friends, mind if I ask for your number?” He said while handing his expensive phone. “I don't mind,” I said and let out a chuckle as I started typing my number in his phone. As I was done typing my number, I gave him back his phone.

As the time passes by, both of us are still talking to each other. We are chit chatting about his life and my life. It feels like we are getting to know each other and I loved it. He said that he was accompanying his cousin and that's why he happened to pass by this place. He also said that me and his cousin go to the same university. We kept on talking until we lost track of time and we got interrupted when my phone vibrated, indicating that someone texted me. As I looked at my phone, I saw that Mom texted me and asked where I was at this late hour. I checked the time and it was already 9:24 in the evening.

Since we are done eating, we went outside the cafe and bid farewell. “We'll meet again next time,” William said as he waved his hands. I waved back at him and we both went to our own paths.


As I was riding a minibus home, I thought about what happened earlier. I can't believe that my bias wants to be my friend. I don't know but why do I feel that it was like a date? Gosh, I really need to calm down. Just to think about it, I forgot to take a picture together with William! I was disappointed but I remembered what he said, “We'll meet again next time.”


When I arrived home, I greeted my mom and went to my bedroom to change clothes and do my night routine. After doing my routine, I went out of the bathroom and sat on my bed. The moments that William and I spent earlier kept flashing in my mind. Me and him being friends is the last thing I've hoped for. As I observed the time on the clock, I noticed that it was already 11 minutes past 10 pm. I almost forgot about our class tomorrow and I stayed up late. So, I decided to call it a day and I drifted off to Dreamland as I was feeling tired somehow.


How was the chapter? Sorry for the late update, I've been busy these days. Anyway, I hope you liked it!

𝓑𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now