Chapter 6 - Familiar

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Chapter 6

Mia's POV

As I entered my grandma's house, I was shocked by what I saw. Oh my goodness, I can't believe it! I saw my childhood friend talking to my grandma. I slowly went towards them and waved to my friend, Leila. She waved back at me and I smiled. I then went to hug my grandma as I have missed her so much. I kissed her cheek and she hugged me tightly.

“It's been a long time, darling. I'm glad you visited me here,” she said, smiling and caressing my hair.
“I missed you, darling,” she added.
“I missed you too, grandma, v-very much,” I stuttered as the tears started to form in my eyes. I felt the tears fell off through my cheeks.
“Aww, don't cry, my child,” she said, whipping off the tears in my eyes.
I hugged her tightly and caressed her back.

How I missed my grandma so much. After hugging her, I turned to my childhood friend. She smiled at me and I smiled back. I came towards her and I noticed her tears falling. Seeing her cry makes me cry also. I hugged her and old memories of us flashed through my mind.

Wiping off my tears, I sat down with them around the table. We ate our lunch together. I missed this kind of lunch, it brings back the old times. Sadly, I'll only be here for a day ‘cause I'll go back to the city tomorrow to attend the fan meeting. I've never been this happy while eating lunch for all these years that I've been an adult. Well I'm only 20 years old, so yeah.

Living in the city is a tough decision to make. Yes, it may be wonderful living there, but you can't find any peace and quiet if you are there. Everywhere, all you can hear is noise, noise and noise.

After we finished our lunch, we headed to the field. I wore my boots so that it will be easy for me to walk on the mud and also refrain my feet from getting dirty. As we checked on the plants, everything seemed to be fine as it just rained about 3 hours ago, according to my friend. Being here on the farm makes my life feel at peace. Far away from the pollution and far away from the distractions that hinders my everyday experiences.

As we walked through the whole field, I saw a house near my grandma's home. The house seems kind of familiar to me. I may have forgotten who lived here, since I was living in the city for years now. I left the field and went towards the gate of the said house. Why does it seem so familiar?

I looked back at the field and started waving at Leila. She saw me waving and she waved back. I signaled her to go here and she did. She also told grandma to go back. Grandma went inside her house, while Leila accompanied me outside. I then asked Leila.

“Uh, do you know who lived here? This place looks somewhat familiar,” I asked while scratching my head.
She sighed.
“Don't you remember?”
I just looked at her, knowing that she already knew what my answer would be.
“It is where our old friend, Ace, used to live,”
I just stood there dumbfounded. How can I forget about my childhood friends? How foolish of me.

As I observed the house, memories kept on flashing in my mind. The laughter and the smiles, I missed those. It's just us three before; Me, Leila and Ace. We were inseparable that time. I wonder where Ace is.

Cutting my thoughts off, a familiar woman came out of the door of Ace's house.
“Hello, dears! Mia, you're here?” She asked surprisingly. As far as I can remember, she is Ace's mother. “Oh, yes auntie. I'm just here to visit grandma for a day,” I replied to her and smiled.

“Oh, why don't you come inside?” she asked us. Me and Leila exchanged looks to each other and she said.
“It's okay auntie, we're about to go inside grandma's house. Thank you!” she said politely.
“It's sad that Ace is still busy and can't come here. I'll just inform you if he'll arrive here. Take care girls!” she said and waved at us. We nodded and waved back at her. Just how sweet Ace's mom is.

We went inside grandma's house to take a rest after a tiring day. I went to my old bedroom that I used to stay in when I was younger. I walked slowly, remembering all those memories I spent inside this room. I gently laid down and tucked the blanket my aunt gave me. My eyes slowly shut, feeling the coldness of the air conditioner in my room. It's still 4 in the afternoon, yet I am so tired.


How's the chapter? Do you have any idea who the ‘Ace’ that they are talking about? Just sit back and relax as you'll find out who it was in the next few chapters. See you!

𝓑𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now