Chapter 11 - Meet

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Chapter 11

Ace's POV

The fan signing was fun and we interacted with fans. There are still a few fans in line and yeah, a lot of them. There's this girl, a fan should I say, she gave me the album to sign and I signed it. I looked at her beautiful face. But something was off, why does she look so familiar?

She then gave me a gift, it was a headphone and an hourglass. I smiled at her as I received my gift and she smiled back. I looked at the gift and I loved it. Looking at the hourglass, it reminds me of something. The time seemed to slow down as this girl came in front of me. Many memories flashed through my mind as I saw her. I don't know her name though, but she is kind of similar to Mia, my childhood friend.

I'm a bit hesitant to ask her, when suddenly my mouth spoke without thinking.


I regretted my actions as I just spoke without thinking. I checked her reaction and I saw her looking at me. She was stunned and couldn't move. Is it really her? Does she still remember me?

“I-Is that really you?” I asked in confirmation.

Gosh, why did I stutter. I saw her having a hard time to reply. I was about to say sorry when she spoke.

“Ace? You… you remembered me?” she said happily as I could see a tear slightly falling from her eyes. She is really her, my childhood friend is in front of me, in a fan sign event.

I wanted to hug her badly but I couldn't. Well, I guess I could but I'm too shy to do so. Instead, I took her hand and said, “I missed you.”

I didn't realize the time and suddenly, my manager told me that my time for this fan is over and I have to interact with another fan. I feel so sad as I really wanted to talk to her more.

An idea came to my mind and I told her, “Meet me backstage later, we'll talk.” She smiled and bid goodbye.


Mia's POV

As I went down from the stage, I badly wanted to let out my tears. It was tears of joy as he remembered me. I never thought that he would recognize me as it's been a long time since we last saw each other.

I went outside the auditorium and let out my tears. I was jumping and shaking from the coldness of the air, but I didn't mind it. Finally, my tears are all gone. My eyes are getting puffy, but I still didn't mind it.

It’s nearly 5 pm and I felt hungry. I saw a night market near this place and decided to go there. There are only a few shops open since it is a ‘night’ market and it only opens during night time.

I went to the shop that sells street foods and decided to buy. I ate there and I also bought some for Ace. I even bought enough food for his other members to share. I burped as I felt so full. I've been outside for almost 30 minutes already and I'm now freezing cold.

I went back to the auditorium and saw that the event had already ended. So, I went backstage. On my way to the backstage, I saw guards standing on the door. I approached them and told them that I will be meeting a friend. They looked at each other and shook their heads.

I knew that they wouldn't trust me so I asked them if they could please go and tell Ace that some friend is looking for him and they did. A guard left to find Ace, while the other stayed outside the door, guarding it.

It's already been 15 minutes and the guard still hasn't come back yet. I guess Ace is eating? or something else? Is he busy?

I shrugged my thoughts off when I saw two people approaching. I came to look at who it was and I saw the guard with Ace.

He waved at me and I waved back at him. He asked me if I was hungry or not and I shook my head. I then handed him the food I bought and told him that he could also share it with his members. He looked at me and thanked me.

“Are you feeling cold?” He asked as he looked at me.
“Yes, but it's alright. I can handle it,” I said shyly. I could hear him ‘tsk’ before he put down the food I bought and placed his jacket on my shoulders. I could feel my cheeks heating up but I shrugged it off.
“You wear it, I have an extra anyway,” he said.

He handed me his phone and asked for my number and Leila's. I typed our numbers in his phone before I handed it back to him. I also gave him my phone and he typed his number. After he gave back my phone, I then set his name to ‘♠️’.

I saw the food on the floor and told him that it is bad to leave the food on the floor for a long time. He picked those foods up and started carrying them. We chatted and chatted for I don't know how long. I could see him struggle as he carried those foods.

As the time passes, it feels so late. I checked the time on my phone and it showed ‘7:03 pm’. Oh gosh, we've been talking for an hour already. I wore his jacket properly before I bid my farewell to him. He told me that he'll call us anytime to spend some time together with Leila. He also said that he wants to experience a bonding moment with us like what we usually do before. 

I watched him head back to the dressing room carrying those foods before going home. I hailed a cab and as I arrived home, I went straight to bed after paying respect for my mom. What a long day it is. I'm glad that he remembered me and he knew that we've been missing him. I hope we can spend some time together again soon with Leila and my grandma. I could also invite my mom to have some fun. I'll look forward to those days.


How was it? I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned for more!

𝓑𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now