Chapter 8 - Fan meeting

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Chapter 8

Ace's POV 

I was buying a book at the bookstore when suddenly my phone vibrated, indicating that someone texted me. I opened my phone and saw a message from my members. 

‘Brother, where are you? We've been waiting here for a long time.’ - Francis

Oh crap, the line was taking forever. But I have to wait as this book is just limited. 

After a few minutes of waiting, I finally paid for the book. I was reading it as I got out of the store but my phone vibrated again. I already know who it was so I didn't open my phone. Marking the page I was reading, I put my business card which served as my bookmark. 

Checking my watch, I realized that I was late. So, I immediately ran as fast as I could. Without looking where I was going, I suddenly bumped into someone. My book fell off the ground as well as her phone. I was in a hurry, so I only muttered sorry, loud enough for her to hear and quickly walked away. Soon after running, I arrived at our van. 

William's POV

Gosh, where is he? It's been taking forever just by waiting for him. I swear if he doesn't come back here for 10 minutes I will definitely ignore him. 

Me and my members were impatiently waiting for our leader to arrive. Staring at my phone, he hasn't replied to my message yet. I wondered if he was on his way so he couldn't check his phone. As I turned off my phone, I saw at the van window a tired and panting Ace. I guess he was running. 

He entered the van and said, “Sorry to keep you waiting. The line was too long.”

“Okay, let's head to the venue then,” I said and the driver nodded. We then traveled to the auditorium. 

Ace's POV

We have such a busy schedule this holiday season. The only days we'll not be busy are tomorrow and the next day. We'll have a fan signing on the 27th day of December. Due to our recent hiatus, we've been coping up with our fans. I hope they will appreciate these meetings with them. 

As we were traveling to the auditorium, I opened my book and realized that the bookmark wasn't there anymore. I thought, maybe I dropped it somewhere after I bumped into someone at the Town Square. But, I don't mind it as I remembered the last page that I read. 

I continued reading the book before we arrived at the venue. As we arrived, we then went backstage to eat our lunch. 

After eating our lunch, we dressed up and had our looks done. Since our fan meeting will start at 3 pm, we still have plenty of time to practice. Though we will not perform as many songs than we usually do during concerts, we still have to practice. 

I am so excited to perform to the fans later, as well as my members. 

Time skip : 30 minutes before the said fan meeting

Mia's POV

I am now inside the auditorium, sitting on my booked seat. I went to my house earlier to replace my bag and get my lightstick and some food. I came early so that I won't miss any second of the fan meeting. Sitting comfortably in my seat, I got my phone from my bag and started playing an online game. 

After a while, I checked the time and noticed that there is only 5 minutes till the program starts. I turned off my phone as I feel that it is really hot. 

As the program started, they sang their cover of the song ‘Last Christmas’. Their voices are so heavenly. As their voices harmonize, it makes the fans feel like they are on Cloud 9. 

My eyes were locked on Ace as I tried to observe him. Though my bias is William, Ace was my childhood friend. I hoped he somehow remembered me, after such a long time. I even got bumped into him earlier, yet the memories kept flashing through my eyes. 

As I observed him perform, I can't believe how my friend since I was a kid, would be this talented. I was stunned to see William playing his electric guitar, cutting off my thoughts. 

As time passed by, the program then proceeded to the portion where they danced to different challenges. Ace and William danced to EXO's First Snow. I loved how their footwork skills are so amazing. Next up was Ethan and Francis doing the ‘Santa Tell Me’ Challenge. And they looked so cute doing it. Then, Ethan danced to Straykids' Christmas EveL. The fans were clapping as they were adoring Ethan. 

As the fan meeting was about to end, all of the members stood in line. Ace spoke and announced about their upcoming fan signing in a few days. I was shocked but I will take that as an opportunity to maybe, somehow, talk to Ace and also return his business card.

After the announcement, they all bid farewell to the fans as the program ended. Such a great day to celebrate Christmas, though it'll be tomorrow. I had a great time. 

As I was going home, I'd drop by the mall to buy gifts for WAVE and also buy some decorations for the Christmas Tree at my house. This is going to be a long day.


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