Chapter 3 - The Concert

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Chapter 3

Author’s POV

The sun rises and the roosters are crowing, indicating that it’s already morning. The beams of the sun rays hit Mia’s beautiful sleeping eyes. She woke up hearing the beeping sound of her alarm. She pressed her alarm, seeing the time ‘6:45 AM’. Just like the normal days, she fixed her bed, washed her face and went downstairs for breakfast.  She started her day fresh and happy, probably because she will be attending her idol’s concert later at night. She was smiling all day and her mom noticed it. “Someone’s happy today, huh?” she said, teasing her. “Of course,” that’s the only words she could ever reply to her mom. She left the dining room and went back to her room, smiling.

She just finished taking a bath, and was now drying her hair using a blower. She is just in her pajamas and yet she looks so ready for the event. After drying her hair, she styled her hair into buns and a braid. She then picked an outfit that she is going to wear later that day. It took her almost 2 hours to choose an outfit, but in the end, she chose a white crop-top and a black cargo pants, with a matching pair of black boots. She also prepared her lightstick that kind of matches her style for today.

Mia's POV

After preparing everything that I needed to prepare, I left home and went to the mall. I decided to take a short visit to the mall to buy some snacks that I will be needing in case I get hungry later at the concert. I bought a packet of biscuits, 2 packs of chips, 2 cans of soda, 2 bottles of water and a pack of candies. I bought a lot since it will also serve as my dinner because the concert will start at 6:30 in the evening. The line is still so long here in the supermarket and I started to feel bored.

A few minutes passed, I was done paying for my groceries and I then called a taxi to travel to the concert venue. After a 30-minute ride, I reached the venue. I would've reached earlier if there are no traffic jams. I walked across the hallway and saw not much amount of fans, already waiting at their respective places. I processed the informations needed, and then settled to my area. I felt hungry and decided to eat the chips I have bought earlier. While waiting for the time, I scrolled through my phone.

William's POV

We arrived at the venue early. It is still 3 in the afternoon, yet we are still rehearsing for our performance later. Me and my brothers are currently taking a short break after our practice. Wondering why I call them brothers? It is because we treat each other not only as group mates, but also as brothers, we may not be blood-related but our bond and care for each other matters. After a few minutes of resting, we then went back to practicing.

After an hour of practicing, we took a short break before heading to the dressing room to get fixed up. I dressed up in one of the outfits I'm supposed to wear for this concert. It is a black tuxedo with a pair of black shoes, an outfit for our romantic song. While having my makeup done, I practiced my lines in our songs, making sure I haven't forgotten any single lyric and also to tune up my voice. After settling my looks, me and my members formed a circle and chanted our cheer, "WAVE, WAVE, Let's go get our ways PAVED. For our fans, let's have fun! This day has just begun."

After hugging each other, we went to the stage to perform.

Mia's POV

There they go. I finally witnessed them perform in a concert. They look so handsome in those tuxedos. William looks like a real gentleman, the bow matches his suit and his hairstyle is so gorgeous. Although I'm not really close to the stage, I could still see his amazing features. While performing, I can see him glancing at the fans on our side. I hope he noticed me, but I guess no. They continued performing and suddenly, there's a step that really caught my attention. Them, putting each rose in their teeth. I can't believe in what I saw, it's so unreal.

After such a performance, they greeted their fans. Me and my co-WAEs (WAVE's fandom name) shouted all we could just to show our support to the group. They hyped us up more, and the crowd even grew wilder.

"I love your energy today," Ace shouted.
"Make some noiseee," Ethan shouted, making the crowd grow louder.
"How are you today?" asked William.
"We're good," the crowd said in unison.
"Don't you worry cause this is just the beginning of our show!" Francis shouted.
The fans cheered and the music started playing.

Ace's line came and suddenly, he removed his suit and threw it somewhere. All fans shouted in excitement, including me. Oops, I remembered that I am loyal to William. I'm not like the other fans there. Joke. Ace is my bias wrecker, so it should be normal. The fans are getting wilder and wilder as they continue to perform.

Is this even a normal concert? The members are looking so sexy while performing. Ethan's dance break came and he danced solo on stage. Unexpectedly, water is sprayed on the stage, making Ethan soaked while performing. The fans went crazy after seeing Ethan dance under the spraying water. And I admit it, he looks freakin hot in there. How I wish I could close my eyes, I mean, how can I be loyal to William if the other members are performing like that?

After many performances, each of the members did their solo. The first to perform was Francis, he played a piano solo. He is so good, the song and the instrumental version is so pleasing to hear. After Francis, Ace was next. He performed a jazz version of their song 'Without You', it was so refreshing to hear and his voice really suits the jazz version well. Ethan was next to perform. He danced rumba, making the fans cheer happily.

After the other members performed, this is what I've been waiting for.


Author's note:
How was it? Sorry for the late update, but I hope you liked it!

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